Tuesday, September 25, 2018

TT-0002 - Take notes! Build a binder! Create a reference for yourself.

Hello, and welcome to The Stitching Kitchn. So ... Here is a Teaspoon Tidbit for you. Sometimes you need to take notes because we
can't remember everything.

So, you need to get yourself a notebook and
it's going to be a Stitching Kitchen notebook. And on the design website, BrushStreetDesignWorks.Com,
we have made a grid paper for you to download, and we have a note paper for you to download. These are going to help you remember everything
that you need to know. So, you're going to get started with your
Stitching Kitchen notebook, and write this stuff down.

Right now I'm Twittering into the air. I don't know what I'm doing. But I will find out. And as soon as I do, you're going to get a lot of tweets.

So, you better find me @StitchingKitchn ....

TT-0002 - Take notes! Build a binder! Create a reference for yourself.

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