Hi this is Julie with Beadaholique.Com and today I want to show you how to do tubular netting. I have a little example here that I've started. You can make this as long as you want but I want to show you how the pattern
develops and this is three bead netting, there's also five bead. There's different variations but I want to show you the three bead.
It's a
really pretty grid like pattern This one has a stripe going on as well so it's really actually quite easy to do. Take
this off of my tube just so you can see it's hollow kind of squishy could make a great ring or napkin ring, a rope for a necklace, a lot of different applications It's not very hard to do so what you're going to need is a needle
and some thread the length of thread is going to be dependent upon how long of a tubular netting piece, you can always add more thread as you go and you need a tube of some sort. You can use a straw or a pen you can use whatever you like and the diameter of the tube is going to determine how big of course you tubular netting is going to be so if you want to use a straw maybe
something a little narrow if will be a little narrower band of netting as well. You want to have some firmness to it.
I. Like this tube a lot actually because
it squishes a little bit but doesn't
really change shape so keep that in mind as well and then you'll need some beads I'm going to do it with two different colors here
so you can see a little bit more clearly what's going on you can use the same color, different
colors, different size beads, whatever you'd like so let's begin I've got my thread on my needle and I don't have a stopper bead
and I don't have a knot tied at the end so what we're going to begin with. I'm going to pick up an even number of beads which is
divisible by four and will fit nicely around this tube It probably sounds confusing right now. I'm
going to show you how to do it and makes really a lot of sense once you see it done.
So I'm going to pick up just every other color green and blue and green and then blue make sure you have an even number, so I
started green so I gotta end with blue so keep that even number and then I'm going to slide them down You notice that I haven't counted them yet. I'm not at that stage yet. Slide them down and leave a tail of about six to eight inches and what I. Want to do is I want to make sure that it comfortably fit around my tube, there's
equal space between all of them, you can see I definitely don't have enough yet, add
some more and there's no exact number, it's really going to be depend upon how big your tube is let's see if I'm closer yet I'm getting closer, I'm not quite there and since I know I'm close I wanna
make sure that I have a number on here now that's divisible by four so I'm going to count it four, six...
...Fourteen, sixteen, eighteen twenty, twenty two, twenty four, twenty
six so that is not divisible by four and I'm
just almost there but I do have a little bit more room so add two more and the divisible by four is really
important if you're doing a three-bead netting like we're doing here let's see that looks pretty darn good so I'm going to go ahead take my end and loop it around in a simple overhand knot loop that together go ahead make that nice knot just so that all my beads form a ring now I'm gonna go ahead and slip that
ring onto the tube and then I'm gonna hold the tail down with the thumb and I'm ready to start my first row to begin with I'm gonna go through this blue bead right here just so I have an end for it to come out of so, now it's coming out of a bead instead of coming out of the knot and now since that this is three-bead netting I'm going to add three beads and you're going to mimic the three beads I'm going to skip over I've got green, blue and green, so it's the same amount of beads skip over those and I'll go through this blue bead here just like so and from now on I'm going to refer to that
as a link bead because it's linking these two together go all the way around my whole ring doing that same process add three beads same color sequence again, it's three beads,
I'm going to skip over go through this blue bead which is now a link bead and this might wanna go over on the other side, you just wanna push it up so that they all stay on the top because we're working our way up keep going around, same process you'll see I missed a bead that happens when you're doing netting,
sometimes you'll get a little off track, make sure you're looking
at what you're doing carefully and paying attention we're almost back where we started, so we're just going to go ahead continue our pattern go through that original bead we went through to begin with and we made an entire loop and this would make a nice ring right now if we wanted to finish it off but we don't want to. We're going to keep going so now I'm going to introduce a new term to you, we've got the bottom link bead which is going to be on the base and have the top link bead, so this would be
a bottom, that would be a top, that would be a bottom, that would be a top so what we're going to do is we need to
step up so we're gonna go through the green bead right here, so we're going in an upward direction and also the blue bead and that's our to link bead and now you want to continue with the
same pattern, so we want to mimic the three beads we're going to skip over. It's going to be green, blue and a green just the same as before and then go after another top link
bead put on my needle a green, a blue and a green go through the top link bead keep just going around and that same
pattern tubular netting is really just a matter of going around and around following the same pattern and going
through these link beads you want to make sure the tension on the thread is always pretty taut because you want to
form an cylindrical shape so you don't want it too loose if the thread gets caught just work its way around we're just building add another three beads. It's the same ones as always, it's the green the blue, the green go through the top link bead pull through I'm going to do a little bit more so you
can see it, you see how we're getting almost like little stripes here so it's getting a really nice pattern if it comes your tube, don't worry just keep working just put it back on but as you can see this actually makes a nice little ring put it back on the tubes so you can see what's going on we came back to our starting point again, so we're just gonna do the same process where we're going to
step up and go through that top link, so the ones
that were our top links are now our bottom links step up but go through the green bead through the blue bead next to it and has a new
top link just a couple more.
Hopefully you have this
down on how it is. It's just repetition go around and around until you get your desired length or you can make a mistake like I just did where I added two beads almost to the end again and I'll
show you one quick thing so we have a nice band. Hopefully you'll see
the pattern how it's developing now you can use it like this where you don't taper it but I want to
show you how you can taper it if you want maybe come down and have it end in a
nice point take it off of my tube so if you want to taper it down what you're
going to do is you're gonna do a decrease in your netting stitches it's a little easier to do decreases when you
have a larger netting pattern, where you're
going from maybe a five bead, to a three bead, to a one bead.
We're starting at a three bead so we're just going to go through one bead take one blue bead forget about the greens and just go through the next blue bead we'll see how that just pulled everything a little tighter keep doing that all the way around so we're decreasing our netting stitch so you can see we've just taper it a little bit if your beads will allow you can try to
fill in some more by going around again or you can do a reinforcing row where you go all the way around the beads you've already woven in making a nice ring and pull the next couple, just a little bit extra and then if you're happy with this you would
just tie off the threads and incorporate it into your bead work the same as you would with any other
bead weaving. Here's the end which has been tapered down and here was an end that we did not taper.
A couple different ways of doing it just depending upon your design so that's how you get three bead tubular netting and also perform a decrease to taper your top.
Go to www.Beadaholique.Com to purchase beading supplies and to get design ideas!.
Thank you for a great video.