Thursday, August 23, 2018

Flosstube #7 Finishes, WIPs, July Plans

Hi Flosstube, it's Leah, aviatrixstitcher. Thanks for stopping by whether you're returning or or brand new
thanks for spending some time with me. Today I am standing because I thought it
would be easier with logistics of showing things and I've got new glasses
and tomorrow I'm getting a haircut, so life is good I guess. I am going to jump
right into stitching.

I actually don't have a whole lot to show you today, I
don't think this video is going to last very long. Um I'm going to start with an FFO. I actually finished something and fully finished it. It's amazing that I did that.
This is- whoops! Let's try this.

Okay this is little ballerina charted by Artecy. The ballerina originally had a star on the wand and I have changed that to a
heart and then I also added these words and I used cushing to do it. "Daycare is
a work of heart." And I realize that the shiny floss really doesn't show very
well at all on this fabric but I'm not willing to
remove the stitching. This was a lot of work.

And I also think that she's not
gonna mind. I really think she is going to love this. Purple is her favorite
color, she loves uber girly things... I did
mention that this is a gift for my son's daycare provider?
I'm sorry that I can't remember.

But um, it is, and I'm
happy with it. I think I just I'm excited to give that to her. So he does have
one more day care provider that I'm going to stitch something for her, and
I'll show that in a little bit. I have another finish! It is the Drawn Thread
Welcome Summer.

This is... That's what it looks like, and this is how it turned out. This is probably one of my favorite
things that I've stitched so far, like to date. So I'll just zoom in a little bit
here so you can see.

I'm not gonna go through all the threads I don't think, but... So these... The letters are done in Valdani. Some dark blue Valdani, and I can get the actual
names if you're interestedj.

The berries are supposed to be blackberries but I
changed them to raspberries and I used gentle art current for that color. I
thought it turned out perfectly with that. And those are square boss stitches
and then the blossoms are satin stitches. The bird is DMC all the green in here is
Valdani, green pastures I think.

The American flag is done in the same blue
as the letters, and then cherry wine gentle arts. And that was actually a gift
from Sarah TheStitchingMommy. Watermelon is Valdani again with
the pink and black DNC and the yellow flowers also DNC. And those are
specialty stitches.

The watermelon should actually have
beads but I decided no beads. The bee skep is done in DMC, it's the same DMC as
the birds actually. All the bees are also DMC. And that's a lot of satin

Now um this fabric is really uneven, that's why I've got some gaps,
some vertical gaps in the bee skep, but I. Don't mind. And then here we have more of
the cherry wine for the geranium blossoms and those are specialty stitches. And
the pot is done in Valdani rust I.

Think, some shade of rust. And that's also
where I put my initials and the date. So my initials... My initials are LNH and
instead of writing out LNH, I.

Combined them into a symbol. And it's
hard to... Maybe you can see... So there's an L, an N.

And an H. Ok that's it! I have the
perfect place for this above our coats in the little entryway area, and soon
this will match my house. I plan to paint all of this. Just waiting
for that day.

Ok so that's all I have for finishes. Um
I think last video I shared my otters finish. I hope I did because I'm not
bringing that out again right now. That's not, that's not FFO'd.

I will bring it
out again when I have an FFO. I just ordered some finishing detail
ribbon thing to put around it so you'll see that later. Ok this is a new start,
Max's moon. And as I mentioned previously I'm doing this with BeccaStitches, and
we're gonna do the moon in the summer the leaves in the autumn, evergreen in
the winter, and stump in the spring, and then max
whenever we feel like it.

So if you have this kit just waiting in your closet you
can join us if you would like. There's my very simple start. It's just one length
of floss in the moon. And as you can see I prefer to draw a grid on really dark
fabric because counting is just next to impossible for me on dark fabric so it's
insanely helpful to have the grid on there.

And this is just, it disappears
with heat. And I have another project I'll show in a bit or you can see, like
even your your hands, like if you are stitching in hand, it will disappear just
from your hand heat. So anyway, simple simple start. There now let's see.

also worked on Adam's Menagerie. I wasn't planning on working on this this month but it was
calling to me, and you gotta answer when a project calls. Okay last time I asked
you to make special note of the tree, the leaves in the tree. Also look at the
Leopard's face this time.

Okay so I. Changed some colors in here. Here's my
progress. I was able to completely finish all of the tree part so the trunk and
the branches are all completed and I was able to add more leaves.

And I'm
liking, I'm still liking, going with that lighter green on these leaves instead of
the darkest green. So another thing I did since you saw this last is these eyes.
The leopard eyes are charted to be the same color as the green in the
leaves which is a very dark green, so I. Thought to myself, well I changed these
leaves to the lightest green so I might as well change the eyes to the lightest green also. So I did that, I took out the dark green, and then put in the light green,
and then I was like, I don't like that, so I put back dark green.

While I was at it
I changed the back stitching around the face because in the chart
it has charted to be this dark dark tan around the face, but in the model it's
actually this dark brown which is the same dark brown as the tree. Now that
it's done I don't know what color I like better. And I don't know, maybe you could
help me if you have an Instagram account, maybe you could go and find my before
and after pictures and you can tell me which one you like more. Um I actually
did an Instagram story with a poll to see what what people thought, you know if
it was better with the tan or the dark brown, and everyone who participated said
different things.

It was 50/50. The results of the poll was 50/50 and
I'm already 50/50, so that didn't help me. I still don't know. Um so I don't know.
This leopard is kind of weird anyways so it's hard to tell, like is this
a better leopard or was the tan a better leopard, because they're both weird
leopards, you know? Anyway they're all they're sort of weird I think.

This is
supposed to be a goat and this is supposed to be a hedgehog. So I don't
know, we might just be using our imaginations here. Which is fine. This has
actually been really enjoyable to stitch on, and I think that that's the
point, right? That's why we do this because we enjoy it.

there's that. And this is the last thing that I've been working on since I filmed.
This is my redwork house, it's a russian kit by panna, and since you saw it last I
actually had to move the frame. So since you saw it last I have added all of this back stitching. All of this back stitching, all of this.
And now the frame is moved there is a whole column here and a whole column
here that I can start working on, and then once that's done I will have
another column here and another column here and then it's done.

So I'm still
enjoying this, just totally. And I'm still considering just stitching it a second
time because I love it so much. But it's a gift for my mom and she knows that
it's coming and I update her on my progress. And so it's been
going well.

That's all I have for current WIPs that I've worked on since
I filmed last. I'm going to share some plans now. Okay first first thing I want
to share-- oh, well I did, see, I did also work on the mystery stitch that I'm
doing for my friend Sarah-Lambert but I. Can't show you here.

I do share glimpses
of that piece on Instagram so if you find me on instagram @aviatrixstitcher and I'll link it below you could see my progress on her mystery
stitc.H and it's a mystery because it's not a secret, she knows about it, she just
doesn't know what the pattern looks like, and she's not going to see the
full pattern until I present it to her. So that's why it's a mystery and not a
secret. But it is a secret. It's complicated.
I'm sure you can all just play along.

Um okay, so plans. I did the ballerina for
one of my son's daycare workers and then um this is going to be for the other
daycare worker. It's also another silhouette.
It's called children with wagon. And um I'm going to write on the bottom
"children are a great way to start people." This is another Artecy chart.

And when
I first shared my plans I had like a bluey purpley kind of fabric,
and it just wasn't sitting right with me. Also I got the totally wrong size so I
had an opportunity to rethink. Um but it just occurred to me she's much more of a
primary colors kind of person. And so I went out and I
got just some-- oops, let me do something here-- I just went out and got good old 22
count white Aida, and I'm going to do most of
the silhouette in this dark blue, and then the words, somehow I'm going to
split between these three colors.

The lighter blue the yellow and the red. And
I don't know if this red is going to be bright enough for what I have in mind.
But I think that this is going to be okay.
I think that's gonna be, it's just sitting a lot better with me. So those
are my plans for children with wagon. Gosh sorry.

My nose is itching. Okay also,
let's see. July I am going to bring this back out. I probably haven't worked on it
since last July.

I don't normally go for angels, but um I think I really like
her dress. I think that's why I like this one. And here it is. Here's how far I am.

Um you know I think if I wanted to I
could probably knock this out in July, like this whole thing. But we're gonna
have to play it by ear because it's only got, it's only got a few colors, like
not very many colors, and I think I get a little burnt out on it. But we'll see. Um
see what I mean about the gridding? Like it's already worn out.

I'm doing this one...
I'm doing this one in hand and it wears off just from doing that. I've
had to reapply the ink a few times. That comes right off. And then um other plans.
I have, I just decided of my own freewill that I would like to do Christmas in

I'm sure that there are like stitching groups that are probably doing
something similar to Christmas in July. I. Don't know of them and I probably won't
join any stitching groups, because um I. Think they stressed me out.

I think um I
think the feeling of having to work on something on a certain day kind of
stresses me out, and I don't think that this hobby should be stressful. Unless
you have like a deadline where you want to give a gift or something. Like I just
don't see the need of putting that extra stress on myself. So I'm not gonna
join a group, and I don't know of any groups.

So um this is just on my own, I'm
just gonna do Christmas in July. I have a few Christmas things here. Okay this is
the first one and this is gonna be my focus on a finish. I want to finish

It's in progress and it's my favorite dimension stocking kit. I'm
gonna put my own name on the top and then as soon as I'm done with this I've
got two other stockings that I can do. One for my husband and one for my son.
And I'll show you where I am. They really don't give you a whole lot
of fabric to work with because like this is the end of the fabric that's like
maybe an inch and then over here the same thing got like an inch to work
without the toe.

Um but I'm gonna try to finish this up. I don't know that I can
finish it like in July but it would be nice if I finished it this year. I
definitely won't finish-- well I shouldn't say definitely, that's dangerous. I
probably won't finish the...

I won't make it an FFO by Christmas, but you never
know. I might just go crazy and stitched that. Okay now um another thing
I'm gonna work on is my Polar Bears Mill Hill kit. This is done on perforated
paper and it's all white.

White on white. And I don't even know if this is the
right way. I'm pretty sure this is right. But that's where I am.

And then I'm
also gonna do a new start. This is an Anchor long stitch kit. I'm really excited
to start this month. When I first started doing floss tube I wasn't really sure
how welcomed this sort of stitching would be but after, like after seeing so
much floss tube and all of the, like...

There's such a wide variety of fiber
arts that's shared on floss tube. I know that there are going to be plenty of you
who are excited to see progress on this one. So like I said I've never done a long
stitch kit, and it seems kind of like embroidery. Just like satin stitches or

I don't know. I'm gonna have to read about it. But um it's printed. It's
it's printed...

So I want to kind of say printed... Stamped? Anyway
it's drawn on there for me. The picture. And it's kind of like a canvas?

So that's going to be fun. That's going to be fun. I think that's all I have for Christmas
in July. And for my other July plans.

And to keep working on the redwork house, and
I keep working on the mystery stitch, and Max's moon. I'm gonna do the moon until
it's done. Um yeah so those are all my plans. So let's see.

Another thing I want
to share is I received some stitching kindness. And it's from Amy @amylovestoads and so sweet she sent me
a needle minder. It is the fiddler on the roof.
She knew that this was my favorite movie and it's also very meaningful to her, and
so she she got one for her and one for me. And I was just so touched.

Amy I'm so
touched. I just love this so much. Currently I have it on my fridge so I
can see it every single day. And it just...

It floats my little happy boat. I just
love this, thank you so much. And then she also sent a sweet postcard beautiful
butterflies, and sweet note. Thank you so much.

Hmm and I think that's it, really. And
that's all I have to share with you. I do want to mention, um let's see. I've been
watching two floss tubers recently.

Um one is craftyplans21. She has just an
enormous variety of cross stitch patterns that she's working on. Her maynia... Maynia? It's maynia.

Sorry I was gonna say March maynia, but that I was like no
that's not right. Stitch maynia. Her stitch maynia was um
probably one of my favorite stitch maynias to see,
because her project choices are just really, really... Um I don't know.

haven't seen a whole lot of those charts and there's so much variety just in
what she selects. There's a lot of range. So I'll link her below go check her out.
And then another flosstuber who's new to me but who I'm just really excited to
have found is Misty Pursel. I hope I'm getting that name right.

I didn't write
it down. But she's on on Instagram. She's @luminousfiberarts and what I really love about misty is she is really sweet, and she uses really
vibrant colors, and she is kind of dabbling in all the fiber arts, it seems
like. But what I'm especially interested in is weaving.

She is a weaver. She weaves
tea towels and she sells them on Etsy. She's testing the waters there to
selling them on Etsy. And um just gorgeous.

And I love learning about
weaving. It's something that has really caught my interest since a little
girl when I saw a little bit on weaving on Sesame Street. So um
she also knits. She's doing like tiny knits.

Teeny tiny little mittens and
sweaters, like a little collection she's putting into a garland. And she quilts
and I don't know if there's anything else...I haven't seen many of her videos
yet but I'm just really really enjoying watching her videos, and seeing her instagram stuff. So I just thought I'd mention those two people. Um and really I
think that that is that's it for me for now.

I'm gonna sign off here. I
have a full night of potty training a toddler ahead of me. He decided to start
potty training himself this summer, and he's two-and-a-half. His daycare
providers are awesome, like awesome, about potty training.

They are all, they're
totally on board helping with that. And yeah he just he decided he doesn't want
to wear diapers anymore. He wants to sit on the toilet.
Which is awesome! But it's so much work. Oh potty training.
So sorry if that's TMI for anybody, but that's...

That's like my life right now.
Um so I'm just gonna sign off here. I'm gonna say... I hope everyone's getting a
lot of great stitching time and I hope this summer has been great for everybody.
Or winter depending on which hemisphere you're in. And I look forward to seeing
everyone else's videos.

So take care flosstube!.

Flosstube #7 Finishes, WIPs, July Plans

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