
Saturday, August 18, 2018

EP-0006 - How do I find a Vertical Thread cross-stitch x-stitch tutorial flosstube

Hello, and welcome to The Stitching Kitchn. Hey. Welcome back to The Stitching Kitchn. I'm so glad that you've been joining us for
these lessons.

I just want to remind you that I want to teach
you every single step I can possibly teach you up to when you start stitching and beyond. And the reason for that is if you have good
skills, you're going to enjoy stitching. Instead of sitting there going "oh, I don't
want to do this as a hobby". Seriously, it's a lot of fun, it gives you
a lot of creativity, and a lot of peace.

Today's lesson is going to be about the vertical
thread. Now ... Vertical thread is this way. North to South.

Horizontal threads are East to West. We look for a vertical thread because there's
a certain technique that you use on linen. Once you see it, you'll always see it. It locks your stitches in so that they lay
in little rows.

And you'll see that, like I said, when we
go to do our little needle case. The vertical thread also helps you count. Yea, there's counting in cross-stitch. I'm sorry.

But, I'll make it easy for you. Alright. Here we go. I have this big, clunky fabric.

It's 18-count. That means ... Let me just show you ... If
I were to count and put an inch down, there would be eighteen of these threads going horizontally
and vertically.

Alright? So, what we're going to do is we're going
to look for the vertical thread. Alright. Right here, do you see this little vertical
thread? It's going over the horizontal thread. So, I'm going to pull the thread and needle
to the surface.

I'm going to show you how to find this vertical
thread. When you count threads, you don't start here,
you move over the thread and say "one". And you go over the next thread and say "two". Then you go to the right and say "one".

And to the right again and say "two". Well, lookie there. There's another vertical thread. So, I'm going to go to the back of the fabric
with my needle and thread.

This is called a half cross-stitch. Now, the most important thing is this vertical
thread helps you move along the canvas in every which way that you need to go. So, I'm going to go ahead and complete this
cross-stitch and we'll ... We'll do this again later.

If I stick my needle right here and say "one"
and I go under the thread and say "two", then I am again at a vertical thread. Now ... You should be able to see this vertical
thread at the top and you can just go right in there. And there is a cross-stitch.

But, the vertical thread helps keep your stitching
neat and also, if you happen to go over one thread that you shouldn't or one thread less
than you should, it's going to stick out in your eye. You'll be able to see it on the fabric. I can have some samples for you next week,
but I really don't want to show you bad things, but maybe you need to see some. So, join me next week and we're going to do
some cross-stitching.

Thanks a lot! Now, there is a difference between linen and
evenweave. I'm going to put a piece of linen right here. And, I'm going to put a piece of evenweave

EP-0006 - How do I find a Vertical Thread cross-stitch x-stitch tutorial flosstube

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