And welcome to Curtzy Crochet Hooks.
Please enjoy our free tutorials with just one of a twenty four part series
on teaching you how to crochet. Subscribe to start receiving our 24 courses that
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And welcome back to the
Curtzy Crochet Hook Program. This is lesson number eleven and I'm gonna show you how to Criss Cross crochet. So now I'm gonna start getting you to do
overlapping of your stitches which creates the criss cross. And in this
pattern here, this is my purse, is that I've done some criss crossing and you can
see how it completely changes the look by just starting to get layering effects.
True, true story.
I made a belt using criss cross crochet with DarnGoodYarn.Com. It was Resolution Yarn. We took it to a major show and Daniel actually
converted it into a tie, a necktie. So we didn't do anything to it he just tied,
tied it around like a necktie and the woman, women were just pawning all
over it and they thought it was really quite amazing.
But in actual fact they
thought it was so complicated in actual fact it's actually very simple. So let's teach you how to criss cross
crochet. In today's tutorial with the criss cross
crochet we're gonna be working with the Bernat Mosaic and this color
coordination right here is called Optimistic and so it changes color
really slowly and it's asking for a 5.0 Mm crochet hook. So let's get started.
We're gonna do a slip knot and I'm gonna explain a few things. So
do your slip knot as you normally would. Now this criss cross pattern is in
sets of two and what do I mean by sets of two. On what I'm saying to you is that
the pattern will repeat every second stitch.
Okay, so if the pattern says it's in sets of
eight that means that there's eight stitches before the pattern will repeat.
This one is number two, so let's begin. This does never counts as one as we know.
And we're just gonna go 1 and 2, 1 and 2, 1 and 2, 1 and 2, and 1 and 2, and 1 and 2, and the reason why going one and two, one and two is that I don't want to count to a hundred, so if I know that I go one, two, one, two, one, two the pattern will always be the same and I don't have to worry about slipping up on my number as I'm
counting over. You know, you run out of fingers eventually and sometimes you
miss count so, 1 and 2. So with an afghan or a table runner,
scarf just keep it and sets a one and two and you should be good and your
pattern should work out.
So let's move on to your next level as a work our way up.
So just go as long as you want to go. So let's begin to work on the next line.
We're gonna now chain one and we're gonna go from second from the hook. So
this is 1, 2 see this orange spot on there that's number two. So we're just
gonna slip in our hook and we're gonna single crochet.
Okay, so we're just
gonna grab the material pull it through and then pull through two. Let's
go to the next one on the chain so we've done this kind of step before. We
actually taught you how to single crochet based on the chain as well way back in lesson I think number three. So let's begin and we're just gonna single crochet ourselves all the way back and let's
meet back up at the end of the line.
So if you've done an afghan or table runner with this particular tutorial we just meet up at the end we'll go from there. We are now
approaching the end and make sure you don't add any extra stitches. You
actually have one stitch left to go and we just go in just like that. Okay, so that is your final so you can see that, so now what we're gonna do is that we're gonna begin to do our
criss cross.
So here we go. We turned our material and we're gonna chain up three, the reason why is that we're gonna be doing double crochet.
So let's chain up three so 1, 2 and 3 and now let's look at the stitches here. Now with
double crochet we normally go into the very next one which is right here but
with the criss cross we're actually gonna skip that one in go into the very
next one. Okay, so let's do that and we're gonna double crochet as normal.
Okay, so you can see that now that there's a gap, so now the next stitch is actually behind it so we've gone here so the next one is in behind. So what I want you to do is I want to grab the material I want
you to twist it towards you. Okay, and twisted towards you so that the, the stitch in behind is exposed. Okay, stitches and so we just want to
double crochet ourselves as normal.
Once we get to that point. So you can now see that you have one stitch the first one is actually over and the second
stitch is actually under but in behind. So let's begin the next one. So normally
we would go to the next stitch available on the crochet line on the stitches but
we want to go to the second one over because what we're doing is were
crisscrossing all the way across.
So we're gonna double crochet so just like
we'd already did in the last one here's the gap right there so we just
wrap the material, bend it towards, you get the stitching
from in behind and double crochets normal. Does this look inconvenient? It's really
not, once you get yourself into a rhythm and once you get them pattern to be a
little bit bigger to the yarn starts working on in your favor a lot more. So
we've just done the criss cross so now we normally would go into the next one but going to skip one. So this is causing the
stitch here to be pulled on a diagonal.
You can see that there and so then we've
already skipped one so we're just gonna go bend it towards you and get the one behind. Okay, so let's do the next one so we're
just gonna skip the next one, so do you see the pattern here, that's
all it is. So what I want to do is, I want to go all the way across doing the same thing. Okay and really can start seeing that the stitches and now becoming three-dimensional.
So let's meet back at the end of the line in just a couple seconds for me. If you've done a whole
afghan or table runner or scarf you may have a little bit longer to go. Either
way let's meet back up and we'll move up to the next level. We're now at the back end of our project okay, so that we actually have one stitch left and right here, so if you counted
right you should only have one left we are just gonna double crochet as
normal into that spot and this stitch actually will appear to be completely
vertical properly and the reason for is that because you're not skipping a
stitch like you have been all along is that it will appear straight up.
Isn't that
cool. So let's begin then we're gonna turn it in our hand and begin the next
level. So in order to get the criss cross to really point out sharp the next layer
should be just very simple. So let's crochet, sorry, chain one in chaining one we're gonna single crochet ourselves all the way back across and remember
with single crochet we come back into the very same stitch using a double
crochet we would have jumped.
So we're just gonna go into the same one and
single crochet and we just wanna come back across our complete line single
crocheting. So an actual one aspect you have the criss cross which is a little
bit labor intensive but the looks are surely worth it and then in the next
line we're just gonna single crochet which is kind of your break on working
your way across. But you need it in there in order for the crisscross to be of
more effective. If you're also wanting you could
have also done a half double crochet or a double crochet in this particular line
as well as long as you're consistent it will not matter but it will change
the way that your product project looks and that's up to your creativity and how
far you want to push the edge and being able to go across.
So, so we're now all
the way across again just like so so you really can start seeing that the
crisscross is really quite effective in that and so let's move up to your next
level. Okay, so let's chain up, remember we're gonna double crochet
so we're gonna chain up three so 1, 2 and 3 and we're just gonna start
immediately into the criss cross. So normally we would go into this stitch
here but we're not, we're gonna skip over one because we are doing the criss cross and
just like I told you before when the next one is now in behind. Okay, so it's actually backward and behind
so we just wanna fold it in front there so fold it down and now we've done
that crisscross we're now gonna jump so this is, be normally the next
one we're gonna jump to the second and we're double crocheting and the next
one we've gotta go backward one.
Okay, so the criss cross is done so
immediately we jump one and then we come back one. So maybe that's the memory hook
for this particular pattern so the next one we jump one and then we come back
one, so we jump one and what you'll find because this isn't set the two that
criss crosses will line up exactly with each other as you're working your way up
and let's meet at the end of the line and we'll get just the finalizing of
this particular tutorial done. So now we're at the end of the line we're going to turn our
material and again this part of the process is up to you so you can either
single crochet, half double, triple crochet, double crochet whatever you want to do. So I'm gonna single, we're gonna chain one and when you're single you
have to go into the same one right there and then work our way back across.
this is a really effective idea it actually thickens up your material, it
creates a little bit of layering effect, it gives your crochet um, you know the
crocheted kinda looks like train tracks most of the time and you really can tell
when something is crocheted and this kind of patterning will break you free
from having crochet that always looks the same and you don't have to do this
every time too if you wanted to double crochet several lines and then put this
as one line and double crochet several more. It just really breaks up your
patterns really nicely and thats it for todays tutorial on criss cross crochet
and look at that and tried to double crochet right in the end as I screw up a tutorial. So that's all you have to do for criss cross crochet. So that was
Criss Crossed Crochet and you can see that it's actually very simple when you
go criss crossing over the top of each other.
You can actually start seeing that when
you work with it that you can actually get really beautiful layers when it comes to your work. So depending on the materials and the colors you chose it could actually be really smart. So now
I'm gonna schedule you for lesson number twelve and we're gonna work on the back
and the front post. What are the back in the front post? Let me show you and let
me show you what you can do with them in order to create more of a layering
effect with crochet.
So let's schedule you for lesson number twelve in the Curtzy Crocheting Hook Program right now. I'm your host Mikey, on behalf of Curtzy Crochet. [Music playing].
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