
Sunday, August 19, 2018

EP-0007 - How to Count Threads x-stitch cross-stitch needlepoint flosstube

Hello, and welcome to The Stitching Kitchn. Well, happy Valentine's Day everybody out
there in YouTube land. And if you stitchers that are watching haven't
told your friends who stitch about Stitching Kitchn, please do so. To begin with, I want to bring out my cooking

Isn't it cute? What I do is I stole this thing from the scrap
book department. And I have created an environment for all
my toys. I have floss. I have emery boards, pens, pencils, needles.

Richard says I could open up my own store. What do you think? So, today I'm going to continue the lesson
on counting threads. There, in my mind, are no holes in the fabric. We can move all over the fabric as long as
we learn to count threads.

Why should you stitch on linen or evenweave,
you ask? Well, it can allow you to learn decorative
stitches and do samplers and have lots of fun as you move along in your stitching hobby. So, I'm going to show you a way to move the
thread around the canvas and, if you download the note paper from www.BrushStreetDesignWorks.Com,
you can write some of this down. Alright, here we have what's called 18-count
fabric. That means there's 18 threads to the running

About that big in either direction. Now, we stitch over two threads (in cross-stitch)
to make an X. Why is that? Because it's a lot easier to see than one
thread ;-) No, seriously, two threads makes a really pretty X. So, on 18-count fabric, if we're stitching
over two threads, that's nine stitches to the inch.

So, we have to remember that. And I will give you a lesson on how to count
... Not count fabric ... But how to measure the fabric when you're starting out.

And you'll never forget it. Ok, here we go. Our little knot that we learned how to do
is on our fabric. I removed the cross-stitch from here.

And, I'm going to find the vertical thread. There it is. See that? Ok. Now, I have to move let's say four threads
to the right.

I need to move over the thread and say "one",
over the thread and say "two", over the thread and say "three", and over the thread and say
"four". Now, guess what. You're on the vertical. So, I'm going to do that line right there.

So, now we've gone over the four threads. Now, from here, I have to go four threads
up. So, I'm going to go up one thread, up another
thread, up one more thread, and up that thread. And there I am.

Four threads and I'm on the vertical. So, now what we're going to do is we're going
to do that again. We're going to go over the thread and say
"one", over the thread and say "two", over the thread and say "three", and over the thread
and say "four", and go in. Put our needle and thread on the back.

Now, I have to move to the left. Same concept. We move over the thread and say "one", over
the thread and say "two", over the thread and say "three", and over the thread and say
"four". Why don't I count from the front? If you try to count from the front and put
your thumb wherever you think you should be and then move the thread to the back, you're
going to miscount.

We can take another needle, if you want, and,
if we count up four again ... One, two, three, four ... We can mark that spot with another
needle. It should have a bead on the top so it doesn't
fall through the opening between the threads.

And then you can come up from the back. But, seriously, you need to practice,
just like you're going to practice your knot-tying. And I'm going to go over here ... One, two,
three, four ...

And I'm going to go to the back. And you need to practice counting left, right,
up, and down. Because, the cross-stitches themselves are
going to go all over the place. In fact, let me show you a chart.

It just so happens it's my Winter Fob chart. You see how these cross-stitches ... One is
there, one is there, one is there, one is there. How do I get over there? Well, if you've done one and then two, you
know that you can move over two threads and do this one, and over two threads that way.

And over ... So, it's a way of getting wherever
it is that you need to go. You count in twos and you go over the thread
and count. So, if you need a review, just watch this
video again.

I get confused. And, besides, it's Valentine's Day and I might
have had some champagne. See you next time. Today's lesson is going to be about the vertical

Now, vertical thread is this way ... North
to South ....

EP-0007 - How to Count Threads x-stitch cross-stitch needlepoint flosstube

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