Hello, and welcome to the Stitching Kitchn. This is the episode that I'm going to show
you how to take floss out of a skein. This floss ... This floss right here goes
to college.
And it learns how to twist and turn inside
that little skein. And I don't care what they tell you, once
in a while you're going to get a big slub right in the middle. So, here's what I learned. You push the two of these together like that.
Usually, the long label here. There is a tail sticking out. You see that little tail? So, what we're going to do in order to get
a decent stitching length, is we're going to pull that tail out once ... And twice.
Now we're going to cut it off and we're going
to leave that tail out so that we know to come back to that end. Now ... Here is the floss. It's a long strand, as you can see.
There are many, many, many threads in here. Well, really only six. Alright, so ... What I like to do is I like
to give it a flat top.
And my pattern, or my recipe says, take two
threads. Well, you don't want to take two together. You want to take one at a time ... Straight
out of the strand and lay it down.
Then, you're going to take the next one straight
out ... And lay it down. So that these two threads come together and
this is going to be your stitching floss. Let me show you what happens when you try
to take two threads or maybe three threads out if your chart calls for it.
You're going to pull it together and it's
going to make your life miserable. So, don't do it that way. Alright? Join us in the next episode and I'm going
to show you how to use a needle threader and put this thread in the needle. Thanks! However, contrary to popular rumor around
Las Vegas, I'm not pole dancer on the Las Vegas Strip!.
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