
Friday, August 31, 2018

How to Crochet Market Tote using Caron Cotton Cakes

Welcome back to The Crochet Crowd as well as my friends over yarnspirations.Com. I'm your host Mikey. Today we're gonna do the Crochet Market Tote. This is a really cool pattern.

This is available on the ball bands for Caron Cotton Cakes. And this is also printable here on yarnspirations.Com. I'll provide a link in the more information of this video. So today I'm gonna show you how to get started.

This is probably one of the simplest bags I've ever seen. It's only one page up for the pattern. That's how simple is and once you understand how it's gonna grow and then how it builds up to the side then you're good to go. So without further ado let's decipher the pattern even more.

So in the pattern we're gonna start off on round number one and we're gonna go all the way to number five and then it says continue as established increasing six single crochet each round until there's 126 single crochets. So up here you see my notes. So the next round after number five is 36 stitches 42, 48, 54 and so on. So these are the amount of rounds you need to do that does the increasing in order to get to the base.

Once you get to that point then you're gonna join me back in the video and we're gonna work our way up. So what I'm gonna do is that I'm gonna show you that sample now and we're gonna pick up in that point in a moment. So here's what the base looks like. It's a round circle and you will see that it's kinda bowling in and it's really quite awesome and it's really easy to be able to follow this.

So there's six pieces of the pie. So there's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and there's an incremental increase. Now I decided not to do any stitch uh, slip stitching between each of the rounds and what I did is that I used a stitch marker just to trace my way up so when I knew that I was around that I would then progress to the nets, next set of instructions. So you will see here there's no slip stitching involved and I'm going in a continuous revolution.

Now this is me improvising from the pattern in order to do so. I don't like slip stitching marks and so this is a good way to do it. And once I'm done I can pull this out. So what I want to show you is how to grow this incrementally and then I'm gonna leave all this to grow and this here is starting in the main section and once you get all of that done to 126 stitches this is what you see here before continuing into the next part.

To do this pattern you need a size 'F' a 3.75 Mm crochet hook. I don't have that so I'm using the next size up, 4 mm size 'G' in order to do that. You're also gonna need a spare piece of string. If you would like to do a continuous round just get a spare piece and we're gonna be using that as a stitch marker.

So let's begin now round number one. Let's begin round number one by creating a slipknot and this is a easy level project. So it's pretty simple. Get a slipknot going and put it on to your hook.

I want you to chain two, so 1 and 2. Now second chain from the hook the very beginning one I want you to put in six single crochets and let's count those so together. So 1, and 2 and this is 3, I'm going around in a circle, 4, 5, and 6 and before you go any further I want you to get that spare piece of string just pull up a loop, get the spare piece of string and just from the back side from the front, uh, to the front just put this strand through and that represents the ending of a round. You're gonna move this strand up every time you're progressing around so that you can keep track of it.

Because what I'm gonna have you do is do a continuous around so that we don't have any slip stitching at the end. So let's progress into round number two. So round number two each one of these stitches that you have, there's the total of six, so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. So if you're not sure just count it backward from behind the hook.

So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. So the 6th one back or the very starting if you can see it depending on how new you are you're going to apply two single crochets into each one of the stitches. So 1 and 2 and then go to the next one, 1 and 2. So we're making our pie shapes as we're going.

So we're now establishing because there were six stitches to start there's gonna be six pieces of the pie and you're essentially putting in two single crochets into each piece of the pie at this moment. You will come into the very last stitch which is the one with the stitch marker and you will put in your two single crochets, but before you progress any further I want you to insert your hook into the stitch right underneath it and just pull that strand so that it just goes through it and that represents that you just went around. So round number three. So we're gonna do a continuous increase all the way to 126.

So the next stitch will always be after there, you're finished. It's gonna be two single crochets. Now this time there's gonna be one in the next one and then the next one has two. The next one has one and the next one has two.

One the next one has two, and one, the next one has two and one, next one has two. And if your math is done, right the very last stitch would just be one single crochet by itself. Just gotta finish the second one for that one. So that where it is, where its marked that's the last one and this one happens to be one by itself.

It'll always be a solo by itself at the very end of a round. Just grab the stitch marker and pull it through. So the last time we just did is that there was two in the first one which there's gonna always be for the growth of this. So there will be two into the first one and now this time there's going to be two in a row that are by themselves.

So 1 and 2 by itself. Okay, the next one has two in the same one. So put 1 and 2 into the same and then the next two are one by itself. Okay two in the next and then one in the next two.

Okay, two in the next and one in the next two. You keep doing that all the way around. Okay, so this one here is two into the same one and then the final two that you see are just one and one by itself. So the progressive increase is going to be adding more and more into each of the pie shapes.

In time you will see the pie shapes actually forming and you'll be able to see where it is. So do you see those two? The very first one will always have two in there. So it's rotate it around. See how these two are in the same one the very first one of that two will have two in it.

So you can stop counting if you feel comfortable and can see it. See there's two there. The first one will always have two. So let's prove that.

So in the next round, let's go we're gonna go two into the same one, which is the first one of the grouping of two and now it's gonna be three in a row, but you can actually physically see it. So you're gonna go 1, 2 and 3 by itself, but do you see that there's two? It's the first one that's gonna get two. If you can physically see that you're good. You don't really need to count too much because honestly I didn't and I just kind of checked it off on my list as they went around it.

So the next one has two in it because I can see and also I mentally counted to three and you're just gonna continue to do that all the way around. So what I want you to do is that I want you to continuously increase by adding one extra stitch in between all of the grouping of twos that you have. So the next one is two into the next one. Notice, I wasn't counting.

I'm looking where those stitches are. But what I have done in my sheet is that I provided you the number just in case you need to count for yourself in order to keep yourself clear. So there's two into the next one and then the next three are by themselves. Okay, there's another group of two here.

So that must be two into the first one and look at that the final three that you have here is going to be one into each and then that's it. So grabbing that stitch marker pull it up and then you can mark that. So what I wanna do is that I'm gonna leave the growth for you to get to yourself to 126. Let me pull my sheet back.

So what I've done for you now is that I've got you to round number five. You see that there was two into the first one and then one single crochet in each of the next three which is what we just did. So what I want you to do is you can take a screen shot of this right here if you can see it and you will see that the next round here next, next, next all the way down all of these are the rounds. So there was 36 stitches and there's gonna be four by itself.

Forty two stitches and there's five by itself and six and seven and you can see that all the way until you to get to the number 19 which will take you to a hundred and 126 stitches. I want you to continue now to increase and get yourself all the way to 126 stitches and then we're gonna start the main body section which will be next in this tutorial. So when I last left you, you were doing here and you were just increasing and eventually you'll get yourself out to here if you're increasing incrementally and keeping it with your increases as you see. So what we want to do now is that we're gonna move on to the main body of it.

So what we have to do is that we have to increase by four stitches and it says equally around. So this means that when it says equally that the mathematics won't work out. So what they're telling you just eye it up equally. So what we can do is that we can add in two stitches right at the very beginning of a round.

We're still gonna do a continuous revolution and what I would do is kinda make it like a clock. So at nine o'clock here just roughly guess a stitch that looks right and put a stitch marker there and that's just a spare piece of string and then come down to your six o'clock position and what we're doing is that we're marking it and so we can put two single crochets into the same one. And then roughly around the three o'clock position here. So when we hit those we're gonna put two single crochets into each of those and what we're trying to do is get ourselves to 130 stitches itself.

So what I want to do is that we're going to do half double crochets but we're gonna work in the back loops only to create the bottom shape of the bag. So let's begin to do that. So in the pattern if you're doing the slip stitching you'll have to chain two and then begin your round. But if you're gonna start like me I'm gonna go in a continuous around in the next one what I want to do is in the back loops only for the entire round that we're going to create half double crochets.

So just immediately wrap the hook and going into the next one and we're going to put in two half double crochets in there. This is the 12 o'clock position to get myself to have those equally, um, increasing rounds. So the next, all of the next ones in the back loop only are just gonna be half double crochets working ourself around. And what you wanna do is that when you hit the nine o'clock position over here I want you to put two into there and then six o'clock two and that's three o'clock two and then come all the way back up and what I want you to do then at that point is move up that stitch marker.

You can physically see where you put in your half double crochets. So just get your stitch marker and keep it up and what we're gonna do is then we're gonna go into continuous around from that particular point. So just work your way, half double crochets in each stitch all the way around except for the nine o'clock, six o'clock and 3 o'clock positions. So now I'm just coming all the way back around.

I can tell by this and I wanna leave this here because I'm gonna use that as my measuring tool. So to start the next round. So rounds number 2 all the way to 39 is just one half double crochet now into each one of the regular stitches. So we're no longer working in the back loops.

We're just continuing then in the regular stitches. So what I want you to do is all the way now rounds number 2 through 39 in order to get that done. So you can either count it, but I wouldn't because simply you can see when there's a round. So there's 1 and then 2 and then you and continue.

So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get my rounds done off-camera. I'm gonna go back and watch some TV and then when I come back I'll be up number 29 for you, show you how to finish off and then we'll start reviewing the straps. So now I'm back in real time. I started this yesterday afternoon and now this is like 8 o'clock in the morning the next morning.

So this is something I worked on it in the evening in order to get myself all the way from the bottom to the top. You'll notice that there's no slip stitching and this was the actual if you follow it from the bottom. See how it comes up? This was at the general area. So what I did is that this is all I have left of my Caron Cotton Cake.

So you're thinking yourself, you still have the straps. Well, technically the straps are already done. So for those that are new to crochet when you change your crochet hook in order to be able to do something like this is that if you change it bigger you're going to use more yarn. So I knew that.

So what I wanted to do is that I got myself all the way to here. So this was round number 35 and what I did is that on the other side of the yarn ball. I used the outside strand to make the straps. The reason why I did that is that I can judge this better because if you go all the way to 39 and you've increased your hook you may actually run out of yarn in order for you to finish and then have to crack open a fourth ball.

So this is just a neat idea. So for those that are just finishing up now, um, so this is technically round 37. So I never got all the way to 39. So I just don't feel like I have enough to in order to do any more rounds with this.

So if you did it as a continuous around what I want you to do is that we're still still doing your half double crochets but what I want you to do then and this is and add, this is not in the pattern. I want you then to do two single crochets, 1 and 2 and one slip stitch. And what that will do is that it'll put a backhand balance to be more of a flat area as it comes all the way around. So now we're gonna move on to the final border going all the way around this and we're gonna do the reverse single crochet also known as the crab stitch.

To do the crab stitch it's actually a reverse single crochet and what we're going to do is that we're gonna come and go in the opposite direction from which we came. We're gonna crochet it backwards. So it's not about turning the work it's about actually doing reverse single crochet. So in the same one, same stitch, I want you to, uh, just go right into it and pull a loop and I want you just to pull through the two strands.

Okay, so I want you now go to the one right behind it. So usually we're always progressing forward. Go into the one right behind it. Go right in grab the yarn, pull through you have two strands again pull through both.

So then go behind and keep doing that all the way across this is called reverse single crochet and after about four stitches you're gonna start seeing the action of what you're doing. You're creating a nice finished look at the top of your bag. Okay, so it almost looks like rope when you go to do that. So what I want you to do is single crochet, reverse single crochet yourself all the way around and I'll meet you at the end of this round.

So I'm coming all the way back around of course going backwards and we're just gonna go into your very last one where we started and what I want you to do is I want you to concentrate on making this the best you possibly can. So just, just make an extra long yarn tail and we're gonna use a darning needle to be able to make it look like it belongs. So we're just gonna pull that strand through. Now take this yarn strand and throw it onto a darning needle.

I don't know why I call it darning needle. I've always have. It's a tapestry needle. This one here with the bend in it is actually a leather needle and that people ask me about that all the time.

So what you wanna do is that you want to go in the direction that you were still going in and I want you just to sink it in and take it to the back side meaning to the inside of the bag and if you pull it nicely it'll look like it belongs there. See? Isn't that awesome? So then just turn it to the back side and then just come in at different strands. So the the first time we went through was number 1, this is number 2 and finally back on the other direction through a different path for number 3. So what we're going to do then is that once you get that done just make sure you weave in all your ends.

You had a total three yarn balls and if you had any knots you would have had to deal with that as well. I did have three knots in the balls other than the ends so big deal, you know fixed it. It looks great. So now we have the top done and now we're going to move on to the handles.

So let's take a look at your handles. You need to make two of them and I do have two of them and what this is is single crochet. There's five rows back and forth and then what you're going to do is peel it or sorry, you're gonna fold it and then you're going to single crochet the two edges together to create the handle. You're gonna need to do two of these.

Now when you go to start this leave an extra long yarn tail and you're gonna use that to sew it to the bag and then when you finish off you happen to finish up on the other side and you're going to leave the yarn tail for that as well, and you're going to use that to be able to do it. So you need a total of two of these which I have and I'm going to show you just a mini sample what you need to do and then you can get that done and place it onto your bag. So let's begin to do our handles and you're going to start off with a slipknot. So do an extra long yarn tail and then you can use that to sew in later.

So it's already attached to your handle so it makes it easier. And what you need to do is that you need to chain a total of 100. I'm only gonna do ten. So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10.

You're gonna go all the way to 100 and then you're going to follow the next part of the instruction. So once you have a 100 you wanna do second chain from the hook, turn it over and get the back hump of the chain only and you're going to single crochet yourself on the back hump all the way back across. So each chain is gonna  have one single crochet. So this is row number one of five that you need to do.

So you're just gonna single crochet yourself across and let me get there in just a moment. So getting across the chain takes a little bit more time than normal because it's brand new. It's a new project in your hand really and does so you just have to figure out how to hold it the best. So stay on that back hump and then you end up with a perfect edge on both sides, which is what you're looking, what your goal should be.

So once you get to all the way to the edge, turn your work and then you're going to chain one and do one single crochet in each of the stitches going back all the way across. So this is row number two. So when you get to the other side turn it again and then chain up one and single crochet across. You wanna do it so that you can see five rows or you can count them on your paper.

So 1 and 2. So what I want you to do is go back and forth a total of five times and then see me back here in just a moment. So eventually you're going to have five rows. Of course, you're gonna have a much bigger handle.

So what you wanna do then is now that you got your five rows is done you happen to be on the same side that the starting strand is on. So what I want you to do is just simply just fold it up. Okay, so watch how I'm doing it. I'm folding it up like this and I want you to match the stitches across.

So just fold it in a way. So keep that yarn, darning needle or that starting strand out of the way cuz you want to use that to sew. Okay, so keep it in front and directly go across into the first stitch on the, on the other side and come into the same stitch on the other side there and single crochet. So once you start that you simply go into one side okay, and then you go into the other and what you're doing is you're permanently creating a fold and so you're just going to match all your stitches all the way to the end of your 100 actually, it's 99 because you want a second chain than the hook.

So you have 99 stitches. You're just gonna single crochet yourself and it's gonna create the permanent fold in your handle which gives it strength. So you wanna keep an eye making sure your stitches match each other as you're going all the way across. So just kind of eye it up into the future just in case you're off by one or two it does happen.

We get distracted with TV and then you're gonna eventually come right into the end Which I'm about to do. So once you get all the way to the end keep an extra long yarn tail and you're gonna use that side to be able to sew into the bag. So once you have that done just pull the loop through and just put it aside and make sure you do two of your handles and let me just zoom out here and so you have two handles that you will have like this and so you now you have your, your strands and now we're gonna look at the photo and see where we need to put them on to the bag. So now looking at the photo you can just roughly see where things are going to line up here.

So it looks like it's just like, let me just count, 1, 2. It's about ten stitches from the edge and of course you can change where those are as well. So what I want to do is grab up my bag and then what I'm gonna do is that I have four leftover yarn strands and I'm going to tie the handles into position just with the bowties so that it will hold and then I'm gonna sew. So at this point I have no stitch seam lines at all because I went in a continuous round.

So no matter how you turn this thing you don't see anything. So what you wanna do is that you wanna look at that top edge and you were going to place in your first handle. So I'm just gonna roughly count out ten. I wanna just see where it is.

So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. So I think it should be more than that. So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 so about here. So what I'm gonna do is that I'm going to just put my yarn strand that I have here and I'm gonna pull that through and that will hold that into position as I go and I wanna put my one handle, so I'm going to put when I.

Go to do this I'm gonna put that seam line that we did the last one on the inside of the bag. So just reaching through the project, grab that blue strand pull it through and all I'm just gonna do is just tie it together with a bowtie so that I can release it later if I want to. So what I would do because it is folded in half equally, I would just peel this back and place the other one on the other one in the back at the same position. So just follow it straight back and then grab your other one that you have.

So when you go to sew this you've gotta be very conscientious of where that seam line is that you did that last single crochet. Just pull, just go in pull the blue through. Keeping my seam or keeping all my strands in position. And then tie that with the bowtie.

So now let's go to the other side. So if you had a measuring tape, which I kinda don't have one here off camera. So what I'm gonna do is that I'm just gonna eye it up and count where that is. So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.

So from the fold that I can see there 17. So let's do that from the fold. So I'm gonna not count that one. So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.

So 17 right there and then just grabbing a spare piece of string. So I'm just gonna use something. So my hands kind of splayed out nicely. I think I'm just gonna move one over.

Pull my strand through and what I'm gonna do with this side is that I'm gonna take this and make sure that, actually, I'm gonna do the back one too while I'm here. So just pull through and through. So when I go to do this, I wanna make sure that this stays on the inside, my yarn strand. So now I'm ready to sew down.

So I'm following the inside seam. So this one's not so important because it's my very first one and then I have to make sure that the next one makes sure there's no twists in the handle. So what I'm going to do is that I'm going to attach the handle with the whip stitch. Okay, and don't be cheap about this whip stitch either because obviously all the pressure is gonna be on here.

So leaving that bowtie in there for a few more moments. I want to just going around okay, and what I want you to do is just grab some fibers on this side. You should not see this needle impeding to the outside of the work on the other side. Okay, so just say, stay to the fibers.

Okay, and just go into your, your handle and pull through. Now, now that I've done that I can get rid of this holder. And now just moving along so just grabbing some more fibers and going into the handle again. So this is called a whip stitch that I'm doing right now, and it's attaching everything and if you stay to the inside fibers you don't see this joining strand on the other side.

And what I mean by don't be cheap about it like just don't just do a couple of attaching a couple whip stitches and be done with it. Make sure that you really give it some durability and strength by putting lots in. So once you go across once just pull everything nice and tight. One thing I like about cotton is that it has strength and durability.

So you really can hold the weight. So what I'm doing is that I'm just getting rid of any extra flak or slack. Mm-hmm Cuz, if I don't then I'm gonna have some flak. So I guess my lesson here is that I, when I go to pull it I want to make sure I'm tight.

So now I'm gonna go across again. So staying to the inside of the fiber. So I'm gonna go back in the other direction. Okay, so now that I've gone across and back I'm done.

So what I want to do is that I want to apply a tie here. So I'm just gonna go into some fibers here on this side, but I'm going to loop it through to create that tie and then I want you to go back and forth the total of three times. Kinda like how I showed you how to fasten off before. So just going into the fiber work.

So 1, through a slightly different path for 2. If you go in the same path, obviously, if you're in the same path, then that yarn will fall out. So you wanna go in a different path to catch different fibers. It helps get that into position.

And I can go 3 and then you're done. So you wanna make sure, it kinda looks like it's not attached there is it. So what I'm gonna do is that I'm just gonna come over and just get that last section in. So it's good to reevaluate your work, you know, that looks better.

And now I can just simply go back and forth again three times in order to hide in those loose ends. So once you have everything secured in just simply just cut down and then if you wanna take a look at the back before you you get that far, you can do that. So what you wanna do is that you wanna come back and let me just back out so you're going to just follow this seam line, the inside make sure this handles not twisted and then comes back down and then make sure it stays on the inside and therefore you can see it. So there's a next strand that you have attached is at the base of that.

So what I want you to do is attach all of your handles now. So I'm about to give you a piece of advice that I. Just noticed. So that if I were you and you were me.

This is what I would do. So I started doing this one and then I realized that I'm looking at the outside of the bag and I'm ruining it because on this side I stayed on the inside therefore that you don't impact the outside look. So what I want to do is that I'm going to turn the bag over. So I was originally just gonna let you figure that out on your own.

But I'm not going to now. So I'm gonna turn the bag over. So these are the sides that are already attached here. So what I want to do is peel that back here and so when I go to attach then these here, I want to stay and favor the inside of the bag to be able to do the attaching like I did with here.

So it's the easiest way to be able to turn it around. So do that and I'll see you back here in a moment. So this is my bag. Everything is now attached.

Look at that. That's all the yarn I had left. I know I'm gifted. So that can go in the garbage and this is good to go.

And this is my new bag, and please enjoy and hopefully that we can see your bags available to on our social media. We'll see you again real soon. It's Mikey on behalf of Yarnspirations as well as The Crochet Crowd. Bye, bye ..

How to Crochet Market Tote using Caron Cotton Cakes

Thursday, August 30, 2018

How To Crochet Criss Cross Crochet

And welcome to Curtzy Crochet Hooks.
Please enjoy our free tutorials with just one of a twenty four part series
on teaching you how to crochet. Subscribe to start receiving our 24 courses that
are delivered to your email inbox every few days. By the time you're done you
know the ins and outs of crochet and don't forget to follow us on Facebook and
Twitter. So now let's get crocheting with Curtzy.

And welcome back to the
Curtzy Crochet Hook Program. This is lesson number eleven and I'm gonna show you how to Criss Cross crochet. So now I'm gonna start getting you to do
overlapping of your stitches which creates the criss cross. And in this
pattern here, this is my purse, is that I've done some criss crossing and you can
see how it completely changes the look by just starting to get layering effects.
True, true story.

I made a belt using criss cross crochet with DarnGoodYarn.Com. It was Resolution Yarn. We took it to a major show and Daniel actually
converted it into a tie, a necktie. So we didn't do anything to it he just tied,
tied it around like a necktie and the woman, women were just pawning all
over it and they thought it was really quite amazing.

But in actual fact they
thought it was so complicated in actual fact it's actually very simple. So let's teach you how to criss cross
crochet. In today's tutorial with the criss  cross
crochet we're gonna be working with the Bernat Mosaic and this color
coordination right here is called Optimistic and so it changes color
really slowly and it's asking for a 5.0 Mm crochet hook. So let's get started.

We're gonna do a slip knot and I'm gonna explain a few things. So
do your slip knot as you normally would. Now this criss cross pattern is in
sets of two and what do I mean by sets of two. On what I'm saying to you is that
the pattern will repeat every second stitch.

Okay, so if the pattern says it's in sets of
eight that means that there's eight stitches before the pattern will repeat.
This one is number two, so let's begin. This does never counts as one as we know.
And we're just gonna go 1 and 2, 1 and 2, 1 and 2, 1 and 2, and 1 and 2, and 1 and 2, and the reason why going one and two, one and two is that I don't want to count to a hundred, so if I know that I go one, two, one, two, one, two the pattern will always be the same and I don't have to worry about slipping up on my number as I'm
counting over. You know, you run out of fingers eventually and sometimes you
miss count so, 1 and 2. So with an afghan or a table runner,
scarf just keep it and sets a one and two and you should be good and your
pattern should work out.

So let's move on to your next level as a work our way up.
So just go as long as you want to go. So let's begin to work on the next line.
We're gonna now chain one and we're gonna go from second from the hook. So
this is 1, 2 see this orange spot on there that's number two. So we're just
gonna slip in our hook and we're gonna single crochet.

Okay, so we're just
gonna grab the material pull it through and then pull through two. Let's
go to the next one on the chain so we've done this kind of step before. We
actually taught you how to single crochet based on the chain as well way back in lesson I think number three. So let's begin and we're just gonna single crochet ourselves all the way back and let's
meet back up at the end of the line.

So if you've done an afghan or table runner with this particular tutorial we just meet up at the end we'll go from there. We are now
approaching the end and make sure you don't add any extra stitches. You
actually have one stitch left to go and we just go in just like that. Okay, so that is your final so you can see that, so now what we're gonna do is that we're gonna begin to do our
criss cross.

So here we go. We turned our material and we're gonna chain up three, the reason why is that we're gonna be doing double crochet.
So let's chain up three so 1, 2 and 3 and now let's look at the stitches here. Now with
double crochet we normally go into the very next one which is right here but
with the criss cross we're actually gonna skip that one in go into the very
next one. Okay, so let's do that and we're gonna double crochet as normal.

Okay, so you can see that now that there's a gap, so now the next stitch is actually behind it so we've gone here so the next one is in behind. So what I want you to do is I want to grab the material I want
you to twist it towards you. Okay, and twisted towards you so that the, the stitch in behind is exposed. Okay, stitches and so we just want to
double crochet ourselves as normal.

Once we get to that point. So you can now see that you have one stitch the first one is actually over and the second
stitch is actually under but in behind. So let's begin the next one. So normally
we would go to the next stitch available on the crochet line on the stitches but
we want to go to the second one over because what we're doing is were
crisscrossing all the way across.

So we're gonna double crochet so just like
we'd already did in the last one here's the gap right there so we just
wrap the material, bend it towards, you get the stitching
from in behind and double crochets normal. Does this look inconvenient? It's really
not, once you get yourself into a rhythm and once you get them pattern to be a
little bit bigger to the yarn starts working on in your favor a lot more. So
we've just done the criss cross so now we normally would go into the next one but going to skip one. So this is causing the
stitch here to be pulled on a diagonal.

You can see that there and so then we've
already skipped one so we're just gonna go bend it towards you and get the one behind. Okay, so let's do the next one so we're
just gonna skip the next one, so do you see the pattern here, that's
all it is. So what I want to do is, I want to go all the way across doing the same thing. Okay and really can start seeing that the stitches and now becoming three-dimensional.

So let's meet back at the end of the line in just a couple seconds for me. If you've done a whole
afghan or table runner or scarf you may have a little bit longer to go. Either
way let's meet back up and we'll move up to the next level. We're now at the back end of our project okay, so that we actually have one stitch left and right here, so if you counted
right you should only have one left we are just gonna double crochet as
normal into that spot and this stitch actually will appear to be completely
vertical properly and the reason for is that because you're not skipping a
stitch like you have been all along is that it will appear straight up.

Isn't that
cool. So let's begin then we're gonna turn it in our hand and begin the next
level. So in order to get the criss cross to really point out sharp the next layer
should be just very simple. So let's crochet, sorry, chain one in chaining one we're gonna single crochet ourselves all the way back across and remember
with single crochet we come back into the very same stitch using a double
crochet we would have jumped.

So we're just gonna go into the same one and
single crochet and we just wanna come back across our complete line single
crocheting. So an actual one aspect you have the criss cross which is a little
bit labor intensive but the looks are surely worth it and then in the next
line we're just gonna single crochet which is kind of your break on working
your way across. But you need it in there in order for the crisscross to be of
more effective. If you're also wanting you could
have also done a half double crochet or a double crochet in this particular line
as well as long as you're consistent it will not matter but it will change
the way that your product project looks and that's up to your creativity and how
far you want to push the edge and being able to go across.

So, so we're now all
the way across again just like so so you really can start seeing that the
crisscross is really quite effective in that and so let's move up to your next
level. Okay, so let's chain up, remember we're gonna double crochet
so we're gonna chain up three so 1, 2 and 3 and we're just gonna start
immediately into the criss cross. So normally we would go into this stitch
here but we're not, we're gonna skip over one because we are doing the criss cross and
just like I told you before when the next one is now in behind. Okay, so it's actually backward and behind
so we just wanna fold it in front there so fold it down and now we've done
that crisscross we're now gonna jump so this is, be normally the next
one we're gonna jump to the second and we're double crocheting and the next
one we've gotta go backward one.

Okay, so the criss cross is done so
immediately we jump one and then we come back one. So maybe that's the memory hook
for this particular pattern so the next one we jump one and then we come back
one, so we jump one and what you'll find because this isn't set the two that
criss crosses will line up exactly with each other as you're working your way up
and let's meet at the end of the line and we'll get just the finalizing of
this particular tutorial done. So now we're at the end of the line we're going to turn our
material and again this part of the process is up to you so you can either
single crochet, half double, triple crochet, double crochet whatever you want to do. So I'm gonna single, we're gonna chain one and when you're single you
have to go into the same one right there and then work our way back across.

this is a really effective idea it actually thickens up your material, it
creates a little bit of layering effect, it gives your crochet um, you know the
crocheted kinda looks like train tracks most of the time and you really can tell
when something is crocheted and this kind of patterning will break you free
from having crochet that always looks the same and you don't have to do this
every time too if you wanted to double crochet several lines and then put this
as one line and double crochet several more. It just really breaks up your
patterns really nicely and thats it for todays tutorial on criss cross crochet
and look at that and tried to double crochet right in the end as I screw up a tutorial. So that's all you have to do for criss cross crochet. So that was
Criss Crossed Crochet and you can see that it's actually very simple when you
go criss crossing over the top of each other.

You can actually start seeing that when
you work with it that you can actually get really beautiful layers when it comes to your work. So depending on the materials and the colors you chose it could actually be really smart. So now
I'm gonna schedule you for lesson number twelve and we're gonna work on the back
and the front post. What are the back in the front post? Let me show you and let
me show you what you can do with them in order to create more of a layering
effect with crochet.

So let's schedule you for lesson number twelve in the Curtzy Crocheting Hook Program right now. I'm your host Mikey, on behalf of Curtzy Crochet. [Music playing].

How To Crochet Criss Cross Crochet

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

How to Bead Weave Tubular Netting

Hi this is Julie with Beadaholique.Com and today I want to show you how to do tubular netting. I have a little example here that I've started. You can make this as long as you want but I want to show you how the pattern
develops and this is three bead netting, there's also five bead. There's different variations but I want to show you the three bead.

It's a
really pretty grid like pattern This one has a stripe going on as well so it's really actually quite easy to do. Take
this off of my tube just so you can see it's hollow kind of squishy could make a great ring or napkin ring, a rope for a necklace, a lot of different applications It's not very hard to do so what you're going to need is a needle
and some thread the length of thread is going to be dependent upon how long of a tubular netting piece, you can always add more thread as you go and you need a tube of some sort. You can use a straw or a pen you can use whatever you like and the diameter of the tube is going to determine how big of course you tubular netting is going to be so if you want to use a straw maybe
something a little narrow if will be a little narrower band of netting as well. You want to have some firmness to it.

I. Like this tube a lot actually because
it squishes a little bit but doesn't
really change shape so keep that in mind as well and then you'll need some beads I'm going to do it with two different colors here
so you can see a little bit more clearly what's going on you can use the same color, different
colors, different size beads, whatever you'd like so let's begin I've got my thread on my needle and I don't have a stopper bead
and I don't have a knot tied at the end so what we're going to begin with. I'm going to pick up an even number of beads which is
divisible by four and will fit nicely around this tube It probably sounds confusing right now. I'm
going to show you how to do it and makes really a lot of sense once you see it done.

So I'm going to pick up just every other color green and blue and green and then blue make sure you have an even number, so I
started green so I gotta end with blue so keep that even number and then I'm going to slide them down You notice that I haven't counted them yet. I'm not at that stage yet. Slide them down and leave a tail of about six to eight inches and what I. Want to do is I want to make sure that it comfortably fit around my tube, there's
equal space between all of them, you can see I definitely don't have enough yet, add
some more and there's no exact number, it's really going to be depend upon how big your tube is let's see if I'm closer yet I'm getting closer, I'm not quite there and since I know I'm close I wanna
make sure that I have a number on here now that's divisible by four so I'm going to count it four, six...

...Fourteen, sixteen, eighteen twenty, twenty two, twenty four, twenty
six so that is not divisible by four and I'm
just almost there but I do have a little bit more room so add two more and the divisible by four is really
important if you're doing a three-bead netting like we're doing here let's see that looks pretty darn good so I'm going to go ahead take my end and loop it around in a simple overhand knot loop that together go ahead make that nice knot just so that all my beads form a ring now I'm gonna go ahead and slip that
ring onto the tube and then I'm gonna hold the tail down with the thumb and I'm ready to start my first row to begin with I'm gonna go through this blue bead right here just so I have an end for it to come out of so, now it's coming out of a bead instead of coming out of the knot and now since that this is three-bead netting I'm going to add three beads and you're going to mimic the three beads I'm going to skip over I've got green, blue and green, so it's the same amount of beads skip over those and I'll go through this blue bead here just like so and from now on I'm going to refer to that
as a link bead because it's linking these two together go all the way around my whole ring doing that same process add three beads same color sequence again, it's three beads,
I'm going to skip over go through this blue bead which is now a link bead and this might wanna go over on the other side, you just wanna push it up so that they all stay on the top because we're working our way up keep going around, same process you'll see I missed a bead that happens when you're doing netting,
sometimes you'll get a little off track, make sure you're looking
at what you're doing carefully and paying attention   we're almost back where we started, so we're just going to go ahead continue our pattern go through that original bead we went through to begin with and we made an entire loop and this would make a nice ring right now if we wanted to finish it off but we don't want to. We're going to keep going so now I'm going to introduce a new term to you, we've got the bottom link bead which is going to be on the base and have the top link bead, so this would be
a bottom, that would be a top, that would be a bottom, that would be a top so what we're going to do is we need to
step up so we're gonna go through the green bead right here, so we're going in an upward direction and also the blue bead and that's our to link bead and now you want to continue with the
same pattern, so we want to mimic the three beads we're going to skip over. It's going to be green, blue and a green just the same as before and then go after another top link
bead put on my needle a green, a blue and a green go through the top link bead keep just going around and that same
pattern tubular netting is really just a matter of going around and around following the same pattern and going
through these link beads you want to make sure the tension on the thread is always pretty taut because you want to
form an cylindrical shape so you don't want it too loose if the thread gets caught just work its way around we're just building add another three beads. It's the same ones as always, it's the green the blue, the green go through the top link bead pull through I'm going to do a little bit more so you
can see it, you see how we're getting almost like little stripes here so it's getting a really nice pattern if it comes your tube, don't worry just keep working just put it back on but as you can see this actually makes a nice little ring put it back on the tubes so you can see what's going on we came back to our starting point again, so we're just gonna do the same process where we're going to
step up and go through that top link, so the ones
that were our top links are now our bottom links step up but go through the green bead through the blue bead next to it and has a new
top link just a couple more.

Hopefully you have this
down on how it is. It's just repetition go around and around until you get your desired length or you can make a mistake like I just did where I added two beads   almost to the end again and I'll
show you one quick thing so we have a nice band. Hopefully you'll see
the pattern how it's developing now you can use it like this where you don't taper it but I want to
show you how you can taper it if you want maybe come down and have it end in a
nice point take it off of my tube so if you want to taper it down what you're
going to do is you're gonna do a decrease in your netting stitches it's a little easier to do decreases when you
have a larger netting pattern, where you're
going from maybe a five bead, to a three bead, to a one bead.
We're starting at a three bead so we're just going to go through one bead take one blue bead forget about the greens and just go through the next blue bead we'll see how that just pulled everything a little tighter keep doing that all the way around so we're decreasing our netting stitch so you can see we've just taper it a little bit if your beads will allow you can try to
fill in some more by going around again or you can do a reinforcing row where you go all the way around the beads you've already woven in making a nice ring and pull the next couple, just a little bit extra and then if you're happy with this you would
just tie off the threads and incorporate it into your bead work the same as you would with any other
bead weaving. Here's the end which has been tapered down and here was an end that we did not taper.
A couple different ways of doing it just depending upon your design so that's how you get three bead tubular netting and also perform a decrease to taper your top.

Go to www.Beadaholique.Com to purchase beading supplies and to get design ideas!.

How to Bead Weave Tubular Netting

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How Many Things Are There

Hey, Vsauce. Michael here. If you threw every single human alive today into
the Grand Canyon, we would not fill it up. We could make a pile about this big That's it.

That's all of us. All 7.159 Billion of us in one place. A species portrait. It kinda puts humanity into perspective and you.

So does this. Everyday you
produce about one to two litres of spit, which means, in your entire
lifetime altogether, you will not produce enough spit to fill an Olympic-size swimming pool. So far, 560 billion Lego parts have been manufactured and the total
number of grains of sand on Earth is estimated to be 7.5 Times 10 to the 18th. But here's the thing: how many things are there...

Total? Well, how do you define a thing?
Well, let's say it's a thing if you can think about it or talk about it.
If you can call it a thing, it's a thing.
This is going to be a lot of things. Things can be real, imaginary, impossible, ideas are things, things can
be looked forward to and things can be in the past or yellow or concrete or abstract things can happen and some thing's probably won't. Making a video about how many things there are. That's a thing...

That I'm doing right now. Let's count everything. Right away, the answer seems obvious. The word 'thing' is so vague, the answer is clearly infinite...

Possibly... Not. All we have to do is take the maximum
number of physical things, things out there in the real
world, beyond our minds we could in theory measure and add to that the
total number of things we could imagine. The total number of thoughts possible.

For the purposes of this video let's
assume that numbers and math and the laws of physics exist as part of the way our universe is. But the names and
representations they've been given are the products of thinking minds and those things are, well, things that we can count. And there's no reason to double count.
All of the indivisible pieces that make up me, particles or strings or whatever are the same as the thing that has been named me. Abraham Lincoln has a great quote about this.

"How many legs does a sheep have if you call its tail a leg?" Four. Because calling a tail a leg doesn't make it one. Okay, let's begin. When counting the number of physical things in the universe we hit an unknown.

How big is the universe? The entire universe could be infinite or it could be finite, but edgeless for a
variety of reasons. There could also be other universes. But it's unclear whether
we'll ever be able to actually see all these things. Instead, what we are stuck with,
and what we usually mean when we say 'the universe', is the observable universe whose future visibility limit has been
estimated to be only 62 billion light-years in any direction.

That's it. This is likely the only
inventoryable space we'll ever need to worry about. And it contains roughly, on average, ten to the eighty elementary
particles. Particles with no further internal parts as far as we currently now.

So that's our answer, right? There are ten to the eighty physical things that exist out there,
beyond our own minds. Any other physical thing - water, dogs,
planets, saxophones - are just names given to
particular arrangements of those same ten to the eighty particles. But wait, what if, in the future, we discover that what we
call elementary particles today are actually just made out of smaller
things we should have counted instead? Well, to cover ourselves let's count the maximum possible number of the
smallest measurable thing. Something the size of a Planck volume.

10 To the power of 183 things that small could fit within our observable universe. I like this number, 10 to the power of 183. You couldn't easily argue there
were more things than that in the physical, real-world.
But you could imagine. A Planck length, a Planck volume.
That's just the smallest measurable amount of space,
not the smallest possible.

You could imagine a half Planck volume, a 10,000th of a Planck volume. But, that would just be a thought and only ever a thought. So, how many possible thoughts are there? It's probably safe to say that
the number of possible thoughts is, indeed, infinite. For example, numbers.

You can't say there's a limit to
the biggest number we can imagine. But, unlike physical things that exist
whether or not we have discovered them, do unthought thoughts already exist? It seems more like
the pool of possible thoughts is really just one thing an
actual elements from that set don't become things by themselves until we thing them that is we or some other mind thinks
about them or talks about them and there's a limit to
how many things we or anything else could ever thing our observable universe is only so big
and it will contain usable energy for only so long. After about 1 trillion
to a hundred trillion years the supply of gas needed to form new
stars will be exhausted and the lights will start
going out one-star at a time. After a Google years the amount of usable energy
left in the universe will be 0 and nothing will be able to happen to calculate the maximum number up
thoughts that could be thought inside our observable universe
let's take all of its mass and turn it into human
brains that just think new and random thoughts
from the beginning of time until the universe runs out of usable
energy, a Google years of thinking.

But wait, what if there are alien brains or for all we know Earthling
brains that think faster than we can okay well to be
safe let's not turn all of that mass into
human brains let's use it to build a giant hypothetical machine that computes at
the fastest speed possible given the speed of light in the uncertainty principle; Bremermann's
Limit its 1.36 Times ten to the fifty bits
per second per kilogram of material, now a high-end estimate for the
total mass of the observable universe is 3.4 Times ten to the the 60 kilograms which used exclusively for the best
possible computing machine could altogether process 4.624 Times ten to the 110 bits per second. Now with 3.154
Times 10 to the 116 seconds available from the beginning of
time to the heat death of the universe and an assumption that the average
thought takes about a sentance worth of information to describe say about 800 bits we get a total of 1.458 Times ten to the 227 things that could ever be thought or imagined. That number is huge. In the observable universe the universe as we will ever
know it the number of thoughts that can be thought is so much larger than the number of physical
things there can be with out imagination and if you were to combine the
two totals the number of physical things would
barely make a difference.

So, funny enough when it comes to every thing in the universe it really is the thought that counts. And as always, thanks for watching..

How Many Things Are There

Hand SewingLearning to Cross Stitch

Cross stitching can be a fun and relaxing
way to pass some time and it also gives you an opportunity to make some different designs
for pillows, or for wall mountings, or for, maybe, a Christmas stocking. So cross stitching
is a...Is a very good pass time. Hi. My name is Daniel King.

I'm a designer. I'm going
to talk a little bit about how to cross stitch. Cross stitching involves, usually, a kit,
but you can create your own. It involves a fabric, sometimes upholstery fabric is used.
And something called a hoop.

This hoop has an inner ring and an outer ring. You place
the fabric over the outer ring, and then you press the inner ring inside to make that fabric
taut. Once you have that, this is where you're going to actually be stitching. The cross
stitch is typically used in this, hence the name cross stitching.

And it's a way, and
I'm going to show here with just a regular needle and thread, what that is. You're just
basically starting underneath, and this is inside the ring, pushing through. And typically
you'll start with a knot, and then you just go across. And there usually is a design that
you're going to follow, or you can create your own design.

And you go across, back underneath.
And then you're go very tight against the next stitch'll be right beside it, so that's
where the precision comes in. Right beside the last stitch. And it's going to probably
be, in most designs, the same length. And you're going to go down again.

So it's just
continual back and forth, the...Next to each stitch. Now there can be different tools,
this is a needle and thread, but there are some other tools, upholstery needles and thicker
needles to go through a wider woven fabric. And there's also, other than just regular
thread, there's also something called 'floss' that can be used for cross stitching. So have
a great time, enjoy yourself, relax.

My name is Daniel King. And good cross stitching..

Hand SewingLearning to Cross Stitch

Monday, August 27, 2018

Hand SewingHow to Design a Cross Stitch

Hi. Cross stitching can be fun, it can be
relaxing. And there are different ways to start out with the cross stitching. My name
is Daniel King, and I'm going to talk a little bit about how to design a cross stitch.

been designing for quite a long time, and I like to do my own designs. So this is another
way, other than making a peril of your own design, of using you own ideas to make a cross
stitch. First what you'll need is a design. You can actually draw one out yourself, or
you can find a picture that's very simple to....To duplicate.

You can actually scan
that picture and resize it, if you want to, for your fabric, on your computer. Resize
it and then print it out. Once you have your design, or your picture, you then get some
see-through graph paper. It's like a plastic graph paper.

This will help you to be able
to count the number of stitches that you're going to do, and also be more precise about
where you place your needle. You place your fabric into the hoop. And typically, cross
stitching involves your fabric and a hoop to keep it taut. And then you place your design
over the top, with the graph paper over the top of that, securing them together.

you've done this, then you can see where the lines fall on your design, and you can start
to use your floss, or your thread, and just fill in where your design is. I hope you enjoy
your own designs. My name is Daniel King. And have a great day..

Hand SewingHow to Design a Cross Stitch

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Hand Embroidery for beginnersNeedle and ThreadsHandiWorks #103

How many strands of embroidery floss should
I use on my project? In craft embroidery today, it is quite common
to embroider with all six strands in the needle at once. This creates that chunky, cute style of embroidery
thats very popular right now. If you want to refine your embroidery and
manage more detail with finer stitches, you can decrease the number of strands until you
find the weight that looks right with whatever youre planning to stitch. If you want a bold line that can still manage
decent detail, start with three strands.

If you want a finer line thats still easily
visible, try two strands. If you want a very fine line for delicate
detail, one strand will do it! Which needle do I use for my sewing project? Needles come in lots of different shape and
sizes. It can be confusing trying to understand which
to use. It is important to have a basic understanding
because certain needles achieve different results.

The three main types of needles used for embroidery
have longer eyes than those used for plain sewing. This makes them easier to thread, particularly
when using more than one strand of floss. All three needles come in a range of sizes
where the higher the number, the thinner or smaller the needle. Depending on the size of floss being used,
the correct size needle can be used to create the appropriate stitch and leave a minimum
size hole once you move the needle through the fabric.

Crewel Needles
Crewel Needles needles have sharp points and slightly elongated eyes. Theyre used for crewel work and most surface
embroidery where piercing through the fabric threads is necessary to the stitching. Crewel needles are also called embroidery
needles. Chenille Needles
Chenille needles have a long eye like the eye on tapestry needles, but a sharp point,
and can be used effectively in crewel work and ribbon embroideries, or any surface work
where a longer eye and a sharp point is desired.

Tapestry Needles
Tapestry needles have long eyes and blunt points. Theyre used for counted work, drawn thread
work, canvas work, or other types of needlework in which the point of the needle is not meant
to pierce the fabric threads. The blunt tip of the needle helps us avoid
snagging the foundation stitches. Straw or Milliner Needles
Straw or milliner needles have an eye and shaft that are equal in thickness, which makes
them ideal for French knots and bullion knots, or any stitch where the needle must pass through
multiple wraps of thread..

Hand Embroidery for beginnersNeedle and ThreadsHandiWorks #103

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Guest Pastor Billy Crone The satanic Invasion of Church Last Days

And with that I want to introduce to you
someone who has become a good friend we had the privilege of being the speakers
at the prophecy conference there Prophecy Watchers conference in Oklahoma
and 'veI got to tell you it has been such a privilege for me over the years to get
to know pastor Billy Crone and I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am
that he's here I kind of made a deal with him because he's actually here to
do another documentary that he's producing and he said I'm going to be there
in November and I said I will not let you interview me unless you teach in my
pulpit and he said deal so I got him for tonight and then I also got him on
Sunday morning for both services so you may want to make plans to attend really
looking forward to tonight so for those of you who don't know pastor Billy's the
senior pastor of Sunrise Bible Church in Las Vegas Nevada he's married to his
lovely wife Brandi and they have two wonderful children Rebecca and Billy and
pastor Billy is also a gifted author counselor conference speaker and teacher
he's a frequent guest on radio talk shows television programs and a frequent
speaker at Bible prophecy conferences he speaks to thousands of people across the
United States as well as an international community of over 200
countries he's appeared in the Christian movies Standing Firm and is currently
creating a documentary series The Road to Eternity so with that would you join
me in welcoming pastor Billy Crone nice thank you pastor JD lovely trib give it
up for pastor JD awesome that was cool that was a good introduction man that
was only five bucks I wonder what if I. Got four ten
maybe we'll spice it up for Sunday but how're you guys doing hey good to see
you guys glad to be here and I'll tell you what of all topics beat preaching on
in this facility spiritual warfare man that I'm not a prophet nor the son
thereof but I have a sneaking suspicion this is going to be very applicable I in my
life have never seen so many chickens all over the place I mean there's
chickens everywhere here there's chickens on the corner chicken hoo
spiritual warfare it's everywhere and for those of you guys who have no clue what
I'm talking about and ask somebody later I don't like chickens but anyway so
we'll deal with that but anyway good to be here
and but we are speaking believe me on spiritual warfare a very very near and
dear topic to me because I got saved out of that stuff and basically in a nutshell
my testimony in 1980s ex head banger drug addict sexual immoral male chauvinist
pig guy involving the occult and had a roommate that turned me on to the
Satanic Bible and went down that route and that was bad enough and I had a
co-worker that turned me on to new age and things got really dark really fast
and actual demonic entities begin to manifest
I was probably multiply possessed not just oppressed because that's what you
were trained to do is have these things come inside you and empower you and
speak through you know itself so anyway so get to talk about that and I think
sometimes the church we take it for granted what the scripture says and
that's what we're going to deal with tonight we're in a war and especially
if you're doing great things like this church like your pastor everyone here
together he's after you don't need to freak out you don't need to be afraid
but don't be a fool and act like it's not going to come at a cost
Sunday Lord willing just by the way Sunday I'm going to preach specifically two
different messages on purpose kind of a Part A and Part B and for both services
so if you can I encourage you to attend both and hopefully it doesn't
create a hassle there but they build on each other and we're going to be dealing
with the issue of certainly big brother drone technology Skynet those kind of
issues what's being built even here in Hawaii and mm got some
stories and but also dealing with building into singularity you guys
familiar with that term well basically the technology this is a secular term by
the way where the technology advances so much it goes out of control and begins
to take over i.E. The machines take over and so we're going to deal with that and
what does that got to do with Daniel chapter 12 and all that kind of fun
stuff increase of information knowledge crazy wild stuff but it's really going
on in fact did you know that Putin just made an announcement that whoever comes
out with AI first rules the world did you know that that's still in the
headlines that's just a few weeks old so we're going to deal with that
artificial intelligence all that neat stuff and so I encourage you to come to
both of those services as you can but tonight spiritual warfare yeah
isn't that exciting oh I tell you what and but the church we just don't want to
touch it with a ten-foot pole and what I. Mean by that is the American Church
right it's just something people just want to shut up just like model prophecy
but boy is it escalating in the last days and so let's get equipped tonight
all right let's go ahead and begin in prayer Father we love You we thank You
so much we thank You God for the privilege it is as your people together
at any time and certainly tonight and be nourished by Your truth by Your
word help us God is Your people to if we're in that state of denial help us to
get our head out of the sand and deal with this reality that if we're
going to live for you Jesus it's going to come at a price but help us God at the same
time not to freak out and be afraid You haven't given us a spirit of fear and
greater as He does in us you Jesus then he lives in this world help us to
achieve that proper biblical balance that we could just keep moving forward
for You Jesus because we're still here for a reason
and that's to get the gospel out that others might be saved and join us in
heaven one day through you but God is always I don't know the heart maybe
there's somebody even here tonight who's not truly saved maybe they're playing
Church and they're not a part of the church God you know and if there is any
one would you please save them before they leave this place tonight before
it's too late even if they're involved like I was in
the occult even if they're on purpose here
to stir up trouble God You could turn them into a saint by Your Spirit so we
commit that to yYou as well we ask all these things your blessings upon our
time in this study and we ask all this in Your wonderful name in Jesus name and
all God's people said Amen hey how many guys like corny jokes raise
your hand praise God the rest of you too bad I'm going to say one and so hopefully
you can enjoy but check this out this woman she went with her husband to the
doctor's office right and after the checkup the doctor he calls the wife
back into the office and he goes ma'am I.

Got some bad news for you your husband
he's suffering from a very severe disease and combined with horrible
stress and if you don't do the following your husband will surely die so here's
what you got to do each morning you fix him a healthy breakfast right and be and
be pleasant to him  and make sure that he's always in a good mood and for
lunch make him a nutritious meal that he could take with him to work and for
dinner prepare an especially nice meal for him and and don't burden him with
your chores because that could further his stress now men how many guys want
this disease right now okay okay but that's not all don't discuss your problems
with him because that's only going to make his stress worse right and try to relax
your husband in the evening and give him plenty of back rubs and and so and
encourage him to watch some type of team sporting event on TV and most
importantly satisfy his every whim now ma'am if you can do this for the next
ten months to a year I think your husband's going to regain his health so the
husband on the way home he asked his wife well honey what did the doctors say and
the wife simply responded you're going to die but how many guys would say that
that couples marriage back on earth probably didn't end on a very good note
okay yeah I think it's pretty you're a discerning crowd tonight right and
but now yeah how many guys would say that guy unfortunately had no clue he
had no clue what was coming his way the dangers that he was heading for okay and
folks I can't think of a better way to put what is unfortunately going on in
the church today when it comes to not just the issue of Bible prophecy but
when it comes also to the issue of spiritual warfare especially in the last
days right I don't have time to get into it Revelation chapter 9 if you're
familiar with it tells us that literally the planet if you will it's going to be
crawling with demons people are going to be worshipping
demons it's going to be a horrible demonic time on top of all the other
calamities that are going to be going on with God's judgement okay but the trend
in the church today is to not just not touch Bible prophecy with the ten-foot
pole it doesn't seem that you want to touch the reality of spiritual warfare
either okay and it's sad and the Bible is clear folks we Christians are not
in just any war have you guys read the Scripture all two of you praise God
right what do you see in the Scripture right that Christians our identity is
what we are in a war we are in a battle we are soldiers for Christ God uses
military terms for a reason because this is not a cakewalk we are in a war and
believe it or not whether you believe it or not the moment you got saved the
moment I got saved we entered into a spiritual war against a real-life
demonic host whose sole purpose is to destroy you and to extinguish your
effectiveness for Jesus Christ now that's not my opinion that's what God
said now if you have your Bibles with you open them to Ephesians chapter six
that's going to be our opening text Ephesians chapter six we're going to take a
look at the classic passage there verses 10 through 13 the armor of God as we
all know the reason why God gave us His armor was so that when we show up for
church services we look really cool or ever get the happening gear on right
we're styling that's what it's all about no it's not right
it's for battle okay and again I didn't say thank God did now let's take a look
there Ephesians chapter 6 starting with verse 10 here's what the Word of God says
now finally be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power why because you're just
there to impress people no why do you need that power you first of all how do
you do it well you put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand
against the figment of your imagination oh I'm sorry wrong translation what the
devil's schemes okay why because our struggle he says is not against flesh
and blood but it's against the rulers against the authorities against the
powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenly realms therefore put on the full armor of God so that when not if
but when the day evil comes you may be able to stand your ground and after
you've done everything to stand okay now the Bible clearly assumes folks that we
Christians are not only going to be aware that we're in a struggle literally
a spiritual war okay but it tells us that we need to be prepared for it
that's why God is giving us His armor right I mean it's written in a
way that supposes that we all know this this is common knowledge
we're in a battle as Christians somebody's out there to get you you
don't need to be afraid just be prepared be alert
put on the armor of God take your stand keep moving forward for Jesus everybody
knows that right well you think so here's what's very concerning now I got
two different stats for you I'm going to share with you the lower one which is
creepy enough but right now did you know that 65% of professing Christians not
the world 65% of professing Christians right now
no longer believe in a literal devil how do you what that's the lower stat now I
came across another stat okay believe it or not this is even worse another stat
would say 91 to 99 percent don't believe in a literal devil I mean don't you know
it's just a figment of your imagination have you watched the cartoons that's
just as scary you no don't you realize that's the preachers trying to scare you
into submission they're always out to get your money that's the premise of
people today right and yet the scripture is clear we are in a battle and it's not
just a battle with a real devil with real demons
okay what's the word that we just saw there and in Ephesians chapter 6 it didn't
just say stand against the devil it's against the devil's what the words there
were schemes right methodia in the Greek like the word we get in the
English methodical right and that's what that word means it means well-organized
ordered plan a methodical approach to what to come after you Christian with
his deceitful cunning trickery to try to take you out in fact when you do a
character study of this real entity this fallen angel we've got to deal with Satan
okay man this is serious stuff he is out to get us in a multitude of different
ways let me just share a few of those tactics that the scripture says he's
going to coming after you right how is he going to coming scheming against you well
number one he's going to provoke you okay we see that in 1st Chronicles 21
he promotes murder okay John chapter 8 he promotes lying John
chapter 8 he fills the heart to lie like Ananias Acts chapter 5 he causes
physical illness jJ. Blindness Luke 13 he's spiritually blinds
the unbelievers why is it my loved one my co-worker the neighbor it's
just like I start talking about Jesus and all sudden they get that glassy look
it's just like they it's spiritual warfare this is why I say all the time
when you're witnessing you need to be praying under your breath oh God please
touch their heart open their eyes remove the scales the hardness because
somebody's out there blinding them to that as well also performs powerful
signs that lying wonders Second Thessalonians two shoots flaming arrows
of doubt Ephesians chapter 6 he hinders first Thessalonians chapter 2 he
condemns first Timothy chapter 3 he snares first Timothy chapter 3 he
devours first Peter 5:8 what he goes out what do they say to the world he is seeking
somebody whom he should devour you read that text there it doesn't just say he's
out there trying to devour okay which is not a good term doesn't mean come over
in how some tea he's out there to devour okay but he says in essence don't be
surprised Christian as if it's only you because your brother's around the world
are undergoing the same thing he's out to get every single born-again Christian
on the planet this is real battle he also takes away the sown Word of God
Matthew 13 he takes advantage of people Second Corinthians chapter two he
transforms into an angel of light 2nd Corinthians 11 he tempts of course the
example there with our Lord Jesus Matthew 4 he sifts people like Peter
Luke 22 he possesses people like Judas John 13 and he casts some into
prison there mentioned in Revelation chapter 2 okay
but the Bible now it tells us we are in a battle the Bible is replete do this
study I'm not making this up this is not some alarmist theology right it's Old
Testament it's New Testament all over the Bible how do you get around this
truth that we're in a war against a real enemy and his cohorts the demons they're
after us how could 65% now take your imagination don't need to deal with
it it's absolutely mind-blowing the Bible
says he's scheming to get us in fact Paul even says oh by the way don't make
the biggest mistake of your life so to speak don't act like it's not real right
and that was one of the worst things you could ever do now the word that Paul
uses is unaware right and that's what he says in this passage 2nd Corinthians
chapter 2 10 through 11 if you forgive anyone Paul says I also forgive him and
and what I have forgetten if there was anything to forgive I have forgiven in
the sight of Christ for your sake now in order why why is it important to have
unity among the brothers to forgive well in order that who satan might not outwit
us why because we are not unaware of his schemes and yet on purpose to their own
discredit 65% of professing Christians say no we're unaware and we don't care
and then you wonder why he's having the heyday with the american church today
you wonder why the church is so powerless and ineffective you wonder why souls
are not getting saved like you hear stories in the past and there's always
stories in the past because folks the enemy is coming in like a flood ok we
have so compartmentalized this biblical truth we have so denied it as Christians
here in the West that we have now made it super duper easy for the enemy to come
listen not on the outside in the back alleys and the occult bookstores and
things that I used to be involved in oh no no no no because we don't want to
believe in him we don't want to deal with any kind of demonic talk or
entities or anything they're now coming into our midst
in droves it's the old sneak attack oh right if you want to take over an
enemy what's the one thing you want on your side sneak attack the old sneak
attack you want to somehow get right in their presence right right in their
myths boom blow it up man they're done now I snuck right in you guys didn't even
know that's what's happened to the church now I want to demonstrate that
tonight in three different ways okay three different ways in the first
way he's coming into the church in these last days we've made it easy for him by
our denial okay is why I call followers of Satan this is how bad it is folks
things are really messed up in the church today followers of Satan now what
I'm talking about is believe It or not full-blown actual satanists coming into
churches in mass now believe it or not I. Don't have time to get into this but I
think we could agree and it's easy to demonstrate if you just pay attention to
the news satanism period is on a major mega
increase all over the United States in the West certainly Europe Europe is so
dark it's just crazy what's going on there but the old
historical phrase is as goes Europe so goes America in the West
ok w a're hard on their heels okay but what do we see in the news right I mean
back in the day you had to go to some secret alley to find some occult material
it's everywhere it's all over the internet it's in cartoon it's on apps
hey they have it's going into the school system it's going into the government
did you know that they're actually right now satanists are having after-school
clubs for kids and teach them about satanism do you know that's going on
right now it's in the news did you know that Satanists are petitioning that they
have the kids have a right to pray to satan in school that's the right in
school you understand what's going on in our schools satanists are coming into
hey did you understand what's going on our government Satanists are right now
right now as we sit here satanists are demanding equal time to open up in
prayer to Satan before government meetings if you think our country would
never do that folks we already got the country right
now having Muslims praying in the senate ecumenical all kinds of
religions I mean the Satanists they're already doing it folks it's coming in
how do we get this because we don't want to deal with this we act like
it's not real and you might just open up your doors they came from they're sneaking in
right in your midst and when they come in your midst listen they are here for a
purpose they are here to disrupt they are here to destroy they're here to take
down your pastor they are here to take down your church especially if you're
preaching the truth like your pastor does especially if you have a huge
outreach and souls are getting saved like this church does you're on the list
they're coming to get you now you don't need to be afraid but you need to
realize they're going to try to come and you need
to get equipped stop being unaware okay in fact let me give you just a little
bit of proof these are all former satanists praise God they got saved God
can save anyone you're looking at one okay praise God okay but listen to what
they say they admit they used to do and where they were doing it it was in the
church let's take a look at this Christians are the satanist worst enemy
they are out to torment you they are out to blackmail you they they will even
kill you they even tried to kill me when I. Came out of black witchcraft if you're
in a church where the Spirit of God is really moving and where the Word of God
is really being preached and where a prayer is really going up to heaven for
the salvation of souls then they're going to regard you as their mortal
enemy and they're going to be out there trying everything they can to to
destroy to kill and to maim because that is of course nature of satan and that is
also the nature of his followers they will try and infiltrate your church they
will try and set up whispering campaigns against the pastor and the elders they
may even try to seduce the pastor for two years I was involved in the Baptist
Church I was constantly complaining about the pastor's sermons being too
long being too dry sowing discord between the people gossiping about
others as each member is initiated into the coven they are commissioned to do a
job and one individual's job may be to desecrate a church well destroy or desecrate
churches where they'll spray-paint satan right on the altar just to put fear into
that Christian Church some Satanists who were hand-picked the most powerful ones
were sent into churches to disrupt the meeting and we stopped people from going
forward when they asked people to go forward and accept Christ as their
Savior I personally in fact was trained to
learn all of the Christian jargon you know to say
hallelujah and praise the Lord and do all the right things and yet I had no
more idea of Jesus being my Savior than a man on the moon if you can tear down
the prayer foundation of a church then you've destroyed that church and that's
what every witch or satanists plans to do when they go into a church is to tear
down that prayer foundation and the rest of the church goes quickly after that
the real satanists the hardcore satanists are involved in criminal
activity and for that reason they are going to try and look as normal as
possible the better to be able to deceive you they're doctors they're
lawyers they're teachers they're oftentimes people who are in positions
of great influence over small children priests ministers doctors police
officers judges businessman oilman teenagers they're all linked together for
one purpose to sacrifice whatever they want to Satan it would be a whole lot
easier if these people wore you know or had horns and a pitchfork and a red suit
but they just don't they could be your next-door neighbor or not to freak you
out too bad the person sitting next to you in the pew did you get the phrase
there he said so-called minister I mean everybody behind the pulpit's got to be
born again I mean they're behind pulpit no we'll get into fake Christians
here in just a little bit what the scripture says that but folks this is
really going on satanists are and again who's saying this people who were former
satanists they admit it did you catch the one guy he was in that church for
two years about two services two years and what was their tactic he was there and
he drew a pentagram and he freaked people out they would no all he did to
destroy that church was to hey did you did hear what the pastor and do I think the
leadership I don't know what they're doing they're crazy gossip slander
destroy divide that's all they've got to do and get Christians to fight against each
other instead the evil one classic tactic goes on all the time they
admitted it idea in fact it's getting so bad that I'm going to read to you an actual
report and this report is saying this is not an
aberration anymore this is not an isolated case again what do you say if
the word of God is really being preached prayer is going up for the salvation souls
lives are being changed they're going to come okay he's saying that and now it's
reached an epidemic level that's their word not mine so listen to what they say
presently there are numerous reports of the entire structure listen an actual
report the entire structure of Christianity has been infiltrated by
satanic people this includes listen pastorates local church leaders all the
way up to leaders of denominations Christian music Christian literature and
so-called Christian TV ministries and I'm inclined to believe those reports
because listen nothing else explains the overwhelming inundation of New Age
beliefs witchcraft paganism etc into Christianity as well as the blasphemous
statements and practices of homosexuality the rejection of biblical
doctrine and ecumenicalism with evil religions and it's not just happening to
churches and pastors that are hooked on numbers and growth it's also with those
who are obsessed with signs and wonders and it's happening to churches where
listen few or if anyone prays cold formalism and rituals have replaced a
once vibrant spiritual life in fact listen he said one church had demonic
people in leadership that had controlled the church for years they had 20 pastors
in 20 years and the church is a stain in the city I used to Pastor a place like
that I won't tell you where in fact I.

Had people in the community warn me
about the church I was pastoring and they said pastor you seem to be a
nice guy but basically we feel sorry for you
because with this church chews pastors up and spits them out and I'll tell you
in a little bit when I get to that section who was serving on their board
interesting he says we are in a very dark and evil period when Christianity
is replete with this type of church and I don't know how some professing
Christians and the churches are going to survive the facts are many churches even
some denominations are in danger of being overthrown by evil people I don't
know if anyone has a firm grasp on how extensive and deep the infiltration is
from my observations and the degree of apostasy
I would say it's a quote severe infestation of what of actual satanists
taking oh they're not on the outside anymore we we 65% say no no no just a
make-believe cartoon pitchfork you guys know the routine and now they're coming
in and groves and they're not just coming in they're coming in to destroy Godly
churches Godly pastors Godly leadership to take them out and we're making it
easy for them because we are unaware of the schemes that are out there it's
really happening okay Satan is not just real but he's
really here with his demons to stir up trouble and take things out you don't
need to be afraid do what the scripture says Christian get your head out of sand
realize we're in a war read the Bible put on the full armor of God and keep
moving forward for Jesus Amen right but that's just the first way I'm telling
you he's coming big time in the last days now the second way he's
invading the church in the last days it's not just followers of satan okay
satanists what I call workers of satanist now what I'm talking about he's
coming in a second wave and that second wave is through witches witches
witchcraft the whole nine yards they too are on the rise and again I think we
could demonstrate right what's going on with the media Hollywood right they are
getting so blunt have you seen some I. Can't you make it through just of course
I'm not going to go watch the shows I'm not going to give them my money but you just
look at the trailer so you look at the trailers of the movies they're sick
they're satanic and a lot they're just flat-out witchcraft witchcraft 101
right I mean it's not even skirting the edges it's like here it is and all it's
blah evil and here's how to do it in case you're watching kids are getting
into this like you can't believe witches are growing in it's cool to be a witch
now it's cool to be in a part of the coven all this and they've changed the
terminology the old-fashioned term is witchcraft you want the new term is
now wicka wicka is the new term for old-fashioned witchcraft thats actually what they did
they repackage themselves and people have fallen for that hook line and
sinker big-time okay but witches
are also with satanist there if you will to use the term they're coming out the
closet too they're not hiding in the back alleys
they're not hiding in the woods anymore they're coming into the church in fact
they're getting so popular because it's cool to be a witch you guys seen the
news right we even have witches not just admitting
they exist but admitting that they're banding together to go after our
president did you guys see that watch this clip the Whitehouse continues to
battle leaks and the media it does appear that some of Trumps critics are
resorting to increasingly alternative methods to try to derail his presidency
artist Emily C explains when protests and mockery yes this is real life this is
really happening failed to stop Trump from being the
president it's time to resort to the supernatural no really witches is a
Facebook group calling on witches across the U.S. To cast a mass spell against
Trump last Friday attracted over 12,000 likes celebrities are joining in too after
an instruction manual went viral telling witches what to throw into their
cauldron to make the ultimate ant-Trump potion first thing you need an
unflattering picture of Trump that's essential then not just any color but an
orange candle stop but if you can't find a candle a baby carrot will do a tower
tarot card which will be cast again and again on every waning crescent moon in
the month until Trump's not in office okay not hiding in the shadows anymore
you're out there even now I'll give it some credit the media did pick up on
that okay and they reported but notice how they downplayed it right with humor
like okay yeah it really did happen they're growing in such mass numbers
it's all over social media we can't hide it so we guess we'd better pick you up
but again what's the deal it's kind of fun it's kind of a it's not a fringe
thing folks witchcraft is massively growing and
again not just growing in the world not just going after presidents they're going
after churches again specifically churches that are
making a difference they're going after the leadership they're going after the
pastor they're going in just like Satanists to take them down now for a
proof report number two this is an actual pastors report let me read it to
you this is what's going on from the angle of witchcraft several high-profile
pastors have urged me to put into print what we are now understanding in
order to alert the Church of some of the dangers we are now facing we now know
listen that a number of large churches that have been successfully infiltrated
by witches in fact in one town witches boasts that they have infiltrated every
Church in that town and judging by the devastation caused in some of the
churches in this town the claim is probably correct their plan is meeting
with amazing success listen one church that we were told of had a membership
well over a hundred members but now they're down to thirty and the remaining
members are almost completely demoralized and it's happening to an
increasing number of churches and many promising young pastors are now leaving
the ministry because of it why because listen these witches are
working to a carefully laid-out plan what does that sound like what was the
word again methodia methodical step-by-step here's how we're going to get
them that's their words not mine a carefully laid-out plan which has been
operating for many years right under our noses without even suspecting it now
listen Satan masquerades as an angel of light
these people do the same thing man listen this some profess to be fine
Christians they dress well they speak well they're usually well educated and
in some cases knowledgeable about spiritual matters well they've got to be a
Christian right might be a witch right some witches appear to be content just to
sit in congregations listen and mumble their incantations wait a second well I
mean that the brother so-and-so or sister so-and-so I mean look at them they're so
faithful every Sunday they're just sitting there and they're just there
under their breath they're just they're praying for the pastor as he's preaching
there no they're praying for people around oh they're just so no they
might be a witch trying to throw curses and cause confusion in the congregation
folks I'm telling you this is an actual report we've got to wake up and others also
on top of that they try to work their way
to gain acceptance in the church and then carefully worked away into
positions of influence in fact one high priest witch successfully got himself
elected as the secretary of a Baptist Church they become members and begin to
take an active part they sing in the choir they join the leadership then
they work to a highly effective plan which is aimed listen at destroying the
pastor's reputation they always wanted to go and take down the shepherd because
when the shepherd goes the Sheep scatter okay they also create factions within
the church remember what the satanist said he sat there and all he did was did
the same thing right listen what they do which is they cause factories in the
church they pit one group against another and create division they may lay
charges against the pastor and put these charges in writing and give them to the
leadership this point often divides members of the leadership against each
other and often turns them against the pastor now listen witches can cause a
heavy oppressive atmosphere in a meeting so that people feel tired notice that you
walk in here man sometimes and in all of a sudden I mean here's you had a great
time of worship and here comes time for the word and all of a sudden just five
minutes ago you're full of life and pep what's going on what's in your service
who's joining you that day a heavy oppressive atmosphere so that people
feel tired they can't concentrate on the message this oppressive oppression can
only be removed by the Lord's people praying against them otherwise this heavy
atmosphere will remain listen witches can send demons into churches to disrupt
worship services and prayer meetings they set Christians against each other right
they can't take the pastor down they're going against you and they're going to get
you to fight against each other and gossip and slander and create cliques and
this group against that group and all that stuff and he says that the list is
almost endless and we're certain that this is just the tip of the iceberg
listen to what he says though unfortunately the church in these last days has become
so worldly and materialistic that the church is no longer a threat to its
enemies I constantly hear Christians talk about spiritual warfare and putting
on the armor of God but it would appear that with most their knowledge of these
things is theoretical rather than experimental they are familiar with
jargon but that's about as far as it goes wow people have no clue that real
live witches are coming in mmm I'm not there yet but I'm going to give you some
stories I've encountered that all over the place in different pastorates okay
but folks what do you do so I'm with this information
man it just seems it's getting worse as we go so obviously the logical
conclusion is we've got to run flee to the hills hide no what's the scriptures say
get your head out of the sand acknowledge especially if you're really
doing what Christ said to do individually and corporately as a church
they're going to come after you but what do you do you don't freak out you don't
need to be afraid you put on the full armor of God do what God says greater is
He is in me and keep moving forward for Christ and deal with it okay but that's
just that aspect dealing those guys I've got one more okay that we're going to see
that and that's what I call possessors of satan possessors of Satan now what
we're talking about is full-blown like I. Used to be demonically possessed people
coming into the church wait a second how could that happen I mean because we all
know that going to a church service saves you who said that that's heresy no
it doesn't isn't that the conception I.

Mean they're here does anybody a
greenhorn like me when I showed up into Church world see when I got saved I got
saved all by myself right all by myself 25 dropped on my knees by the Spirit of
God I wasn't even looking for Christ I. Got scared so bad because the demonic
activity I ran to my bedroom I simply dropped on my knees and said God if you
want this life you can have it and I. Knew specifically from two people who
dared to witness to me and I was nasty to him okay as a non-christian I
specifically needed to call upon the name of Jesus Christ and so that's what
I did I said Jesus Christ would you please come and save me a boom instantly
man it was just night and day right but I'm all by myself and I started doing
you know I'm reading a Bible I figured it's what you're supposed to do as a
Christian I started going to church services I figured that's what you're
supposed to do as a Christian and stuff and I go to what I called church
world because I was raised in the church and man there's some weird things going
on and see when I went to the church I
thought everybody was saved I thought everybody got saved just like me I
thought you know I mean they're here they've got the right clothes on right
there's surely there's they've got to be no folks the Bible is replete did you
know the Bible repeatedly not just in some isolated text the Bible repeatedly
says amongst you are going to be come and come in fake Christians did you know
that and in the Bible explodes on that
category we have to deal with this not everybody sitting next to you in the
pew belongs to Christ they may be a fake Christian which means if you're not
saved your easy game for the enemy you could be possessed but let's take a look
at some of those examples in the scripture okay first of all this what's
called dead faith believers they're fake well how do you know James 2 tells us
what good is it my brother's if a man claims to have faith but no deeds can
such faith save him in the same way faith by itself if it's not accompanied
by action is dead you believe that there's one God good even the demons
believe that and they shudder how many times you please well I believe in God
I'm a Christian what good is that God is a generic term nowadays what God is that
the god of Mars the god of you right the god of the trees the forest what we
it's just even the demons know God exists they ain't saved just because you can say some
Christianese doesn't mean you're born again dead faith belief the Bible says
dead attendance I mean they came for a year man and they were on fire they
were helping out in the church every place they got but then all of a sudden
they it was strange it was they went off and became an atheist what
happened they were never saved in the first place right the Bible says this
First John 2:19 they went out from us but they what they didn't really belong to
us because if they hadn't belong to us what would happen they would have stuck
around they would have remained with us but they're going so that none of them
belong to us right and so that's another category now the Bible talks about dead
religion oh they're in the Christianity as a moral thing you know raise their
kids and you know sure beats atheism you know but they haven't bowed a knee
to Christ this is what Jesus said right Matthew 7:21-23 not everyone who says
to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only he who does the will
of My Father who is in Heaven many will say to Me not some many will
say to Me on that day Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name and in your
name drive out demons and perform many miracles notice they were trusting in
their works not the work of Christ right and he says what then I will tell them
plainly oh you got saved but you lost your salvation no you can't lose your
salvation what's he say I never knew you away from me you evildoers another
category dead believers right oh you profess all you want in your
Christian but take a look at your life there's not many people lining up here Titus 1:16 such
people claim they know God but they deny Him by the way they live they are
despicable and disobedient worthless for doing anything good now we are not saved
of works lest anyone should boast right amen praise God we are saved by God's
grace through faith it's a wonderful gift from Jesus Christ okay let that be
clear but did you realize that the moment you get saved you are indwelt
instantly with the Holy Spirit of God He what the Holy Spirit of God and
you know what He does He starts to over time it's different for everybody
over time He starts to produce holiness that means you've got a different attitude
toward sin your life cannot be changed by definition of being a born-again
Christian so if you sit there and you profess to know Jesus Christ and then I
mean over time because then again people grow at different rates but nothing
changes and you could give a rip about sin something ain't right something
ain't right okay something didn't stick now also on top of that the Bible just
flat-out calls and what they are they're fake false brothers Paul says this and
it's the Greek word pseudadelphos a false brother one who listen in a showy
way oh they come up on the scene they make a big show I've had so many people
tell pastor Billy you're so wonderful and you're so great
you're everything this community needs in this church and two months later here
comes the shovels and the pickaxes in the back but in a showy way oh it's so
awesome they and that's a pseudadephos that's the Greek okay they make a big
profession I'm a Christian I'm a Christian but they're destitute of Christian piety
now Paul here is what he says using that term Galatians 2:4 this matter rose
because some who false brothers had what where are they they infiltrated
our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus to make us slaves they
came into the church they were fake not everybody who comes to church service is
a Christian 2nd Corinthians 11:26 I have been constantly Paul says on the move
I've been a danger from rivers and danger from bandits in danger my own
countrymen in danger of Gentiles in danger in the city in danger in the
country in danger at sea in danger from who false brothers false Christians
are going to come after you they're going to come in your midst especially
if you're being used mightily of God like Paul he was in danger from that
it's a serious threat false leaders it ain't just the average Joe that just
showed up people behind the pulpit I. Don't care if you went to seminary I
could tell you all kinds of stories just because you went to a seminary doesn't
mean you're saved just because you went to a Bible College doesn't mean you're
saved I mean I've got to give you one you got time for one I've got to give you one man
I'm not making this up actual full-blown seminary all the way to doctoral level
it's graduation day the professor in the class of this seminary they're having
graduation ceremonies that night he gets up at the end of the class they've got like
five minutes to go and he says hey just for kicks before I let you go you know
as you guys go on your journey and get into churches now he said I just want to
see a show of hands how many guys don't even believe in this stuff now the guy
telling stories one of the students right one of the graduates and he said
it was like a scene from The Twilight Zone he said almost every hand in that
class went up he says I was just I was like dumbfounded I was like in a daze it's like is
this okay I'm waiting for the candid camera guy to come out but he wasn't
coming out and then he says I kid you not then the teacher teaching the class
his hand went up he said they dismissed the class he said I literally just
in a daze he said I just I stumbled out of the classroom just kind of like I
can't you know his whole world's falling apart is like what he says and as he
makes it into a hallway two of the other doctoral graduates who were going into
churches just kind of laughed and joked and says I always just thought this was
just going to be an easy gig i.E.

Being a pastor you know
all you guys do is be religious another one this is kind of a sad story but a
good ending but listen this another pastor I kid you not know him personally
he was attending a pastors conference and the guy teaching the pastors at the
pastors conference this pastor's in there going like is this guy even really saved I
mean just listening to him and what the man what I kid you not during
one of the breaks he goes up and he talks to the guy behind the scenes and
he realizes the guy he's not saved okay but the good news was he led him to
Christ right there and he got saved but what was going on there this is the guy
teaching pastors who was here important folks I am telling you I could tell you
stories this happens in mass not everybody who's
behind the pulpit even saved the Scripture says it's been going on for 2,000 years
false leaders false prophets false teachers Matthew 7 again what's Jesus
say watch out for false prophets they come to you right in sheep's clothing
but inwardly they are ferocious wolves by their fruit you will recognize them
Paul says this in Corinthians 11:13 for such men are false apostles deceitful workmen
masquerading as apostles of Christ why because no wonder guess who does the
same thing satan masquerades as an angel light so
it's not surprising then if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness
their end will be what their actions deserve in 2nd Peter 2:1 watch this one
but there were also false prophets among the people just as there will be false
what teachers among who you church they will secretly introduce destructive
heresies even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them bringing swift
destruction on themselves many not some not a couple many will follow their
shameful ways and bring will bring the way of truth into disrepute wait a
second how could this happen in the church how can it be flooded with so many
people well folks the Bible is very clear that it is because we don't
understand what the scripture is talking about we don't want to believe it
anymore 65% of our so-called brothers and
sisters in Christ say this isn't even real in fact this whole message they
don't believe what I'm preaching on and I'm just reading
scripture this is why it's so easy for them to come in the last days now let me
give you an example I've already talked about an example of how Satan is coming
to churches and what they're trying to do I've giving the examples of how
witches are coming into churches what they're trying to do let me just give
you if you will to use the term the average demonically possessed common Joe
how do you know that somebody is in your midst they may profess in a showy way to
be a Christian but they don't know Christ in fact they're probably
possessed by a demon and they're being used of satan here's one actual example
I kid you not this really happened names are changed this is how it happened a
man named Joe obviously knows real name he had a normal education he found
employment in his late teens early 20s he became associated with those involved
in conducting seances now after some time Joe became a medium himself and
developed the ability to call up the spirits the spirit world was completely
new territory from him and the power he begins to develop it actually started
to frighten him so he backed away he found new friends get away from that
and he occupied himself in other ways now eventually true story he met a very
nice young lady and they were married they were invited by some friends you
know like Christians were supposed to do right and to accompany a church service
and they were counseled that night and they showed every evidence of being born
again they said all the right stuff a few weeks later Joe's talking to Bill
Smith in the church obviously not his name now it's in the parking lot right
after the service and so Joe says came out of the blue he says you know
what that new deacon who was elected recently he's not fit to be a
deacon his car was seen late one night outside of Mrs. Widows home also
I'm changing the names well Bill Smith he was quite shocked and but he couldn't
deny what Joe was saying because well it's crazy but maybe it's true well Mrs.
Smith Bill's wife on being told of her husband of this conversation boy she
couldn't hardly wait to get on the church phone alright and on the phone and
tell this juicy bit of gossip to the rest of the church well the end result
was that Mr. New deacon's wife heard about it and it caused a strained relationship
between her and her husband and then Bill Smith decided to take this back up
to Joe and ask for an explanation only to find listen Joe strongly denied
I never said such a thing then another time Joe's talking to mr. Old member
fictitious name and he says you know what I think we should have a
change of pastor right I mean after all it's not good for a church to have a
pastor that's been divorced well old member he's stunned he doesn't
even know if the pastor had been divorced and after all it wasn't
mentioned when they extended called to him and well by this time everything's
all messed up few people are enjoying the services the atmosphere seemed heavy
no one seemed able to concentrate most people were totally mystified by the
recent developments no one could really understand why Joe continued to lob his
verbal grenades with devastating effect on the congregation and then act like
he didn't do nothing what's going on satan has set this church up for destruction in a
wave too clever to be human it's supernatural
Joe is possessed they gain entry into him when he became a medium in his
younger days and now he's become a tool to destroy a good evangelical church and
just get people pitted against each other and once again what's the common
thread they're always going after the Shepherd always now I'm not there yet
but I will tell you this if you don't daily pray for your Shepherd I'm going to say
this because I are one if you don't daily pray for your
Shepherd shame on you him and his family do you understand
the bullseye target that is on him 24/7 you need to lift him up and his family
in prayer and don't you ever cease you need to lift up the congregation up in
prayer every single day the leadership everyone because we're in a battle and
they're really out to get us and dare I.

Say your pastor shouldn't have to wear a
flak jacket encourage him why because the Bible says you do that and
it will go well with you right he's got enough on his plate he doesn't need to
shred them apart because somebody sat in your pew you think I'm kidding I'll
give you a bunch of stories we'll be here till midnight but I'll refrain you
need to support your pastor oh and can I. Tell you something I'm just going to be
open with you your pastor didn't tell me to say that it's I've learned this
myself okay the hard way but I'm telling you
proactively if you're not doing it do it now you need to support your pastor and
his family right and guess what when people come after him
you better rally around him and you better support him like a shield right
you've got to work together understand what we're up against he says this now this
is what the enemy has done had we understood the Scriptures better we
surely would have expected this in the last days and now a large number of
Christians have lost their biblical balance and did not see demons
responsible for anything they see the corruption they see crime and they see
violence they see immorality all kinds of perversion but they just accredit it
to human nature just something natural but the stark fact is the forces of
darkness are now clothing themselves in human form
listen sitting in our congregations singing in the choirs and working their
way into various departments of the churches now did you see a common thread
in every single one of those reports what was the thread with the satanist
what was the same pattern with the witches even demon-possessed people what
are they coming in to do go after the pastor go after the leadership pit the
pastor and the leadership against each other go after the congregation pit the
congregation against each other pit the congregation against the pastor the
whole nine yards just to cause destruction every single one it's the same common
thread why because that's what Satan is that's his character as we saw at the very
beginning and that's what his evil cohorts do okay in fact one guy he
stresses the point okay of how to deal with this and again I have dealt with
this I'll just give you a couple stories real quick and we're going to
close every place I've ever pastored I've had to deal with this every single
one every single one now let me start with the one that I gave you a little teaser
earlier there was a church that I had pastored I won't tell you the name but one of the board members making the
decision for the church it came out after about four years being there they
were of a family of generational witches finally came out and you what the big
beef was they were mad they were mad at christians because how they treated the
witches their family this is somebody making decisions for the church and has
been even before I showed up there this really goes on I had another person
you know how they said they appear on the scene in a showy way lady shows up
out of the blue man that's Billy you're the greatest thing since sliced bread
you're the same routine right and I'm getting used to like okay I'm trying not
to be pessimistic but usually when people say that I'm going like okay
where's my flak jacket because it's coming right you're going to turn you're
going to turn on me right but sometimes people are genuine right but anyway so
you know what she did she proceeded to bounce around from one ministry to the
next I mean within weeks she got went to one ministry because you know you always need help so
she goes there stirs up trouble got the group fighting everybody's all yeah
yeah yeah she got kicked out so she goes to the
next group what's she do stirs up trouble and I'm talking within just a couple
weeks everybody's all fighting against each other what'd she do she went to the next
one and finally I got on to her and I. Started to administer biblical
discipline Matthew 18 then she turned on me and eventually she left I truly
believe that she was possessed one more story a guy a girl a wonderful beautiful
girl in her mid-20s just got saved brand spanking new Christians it's like one of those
conversions you can see her just shining oh awesome
within two have you noticed it seems like when people get saved they always get a
knock from the Jehovah's Witnesses or the Mormons come on the enemy knows
right well anyway all of a sudden this guy starts chumming up he starts showing
up to services and she was single she did want to have a boyfriend you know
and so he came in here comes the same routine oh everything's great oh pastor
you're the greatest all right he said all the right stuff and he was
after her big time right and of course she's a Christian so you got to go to
church services so he's there and he said all the right stuff and he learned
Christian lingo real fast right but you know what finally happened I'm going
like sister just this is just too thick too syrupy something's wrong here
sure enough she finally it finally came out and I was praying and I prayed with
her and finally came out she caught him in his apartment he had an altar set up
and he was in the occult the whole nine yards he was after her he was sent by the
evil one to take her out right after getting born-again folks this goes on
all the time now here it is again I don't share all this
so that we can get all freaked out and go afraid no we just need to get our
head out of the sand and  deal with this it's okay we're in a battle we've just got
to get back to the Bible and do what God says and keep moving forward but listen
don't make it easy for the enemy to come in here and destroy everything because
that's what he wants to do just do it God's way one guy I'll share this he talks
about he was at a revival and this happened he said I was preaching at a
revival in a small Church about a hundred people and people were coming and they
were being saved great work being done right right and he said it one night
after the altar call a man came in that I didn't see before he certainly had not
been in the building during the preaching and he was going about laying
hands on people and before I get to the pastor to ask him about the man and
listen an old lady with her hair up in a bun absolutely beaming with the presence
of the Holy Spirit she walks straight up to this guy and
she had her Bible clutched in her right hand and she said mister don't she know
that God's people know that when there's a devil amongst us and she swung him at
him and smacked him right in the head with her Bible right and he was stunned
but he didn't move fast enough so she hit him again
in fact she hit him several times before he navigated through the crowd and made
it out the front door on the dead run and he says this the point is this churches
with Godly people this is our marching orders even with this
information churches with Godly people committed to
God praying studying the Bible they don't get infiltrated they recognize the
one in whom Satan had an influence through a demon there is no soft entry
point for them and they cannot remain as an attendee and so if there's going to
be any purging of the church today or any sector of Christianity the people of
God have got to get serious about knowing God and dealing
with this war that we were in now I. Appreciate him putting this in here I'm
not saying that I advocate smacking the infiltrator in the head with a Bible
but I am saying that if we are not dedicated enough so that we can
discover the many truths of God how are we going to recognize Christians the
emissaries of satan the very continuance of Christianity depends on how well
professing Christians understand and react to this truth this is not a game
it is a life-and-death struggle for the eternal destiny of souls it's a war and
it's not always against flesh and blood okay and as we close and in case you're
one of those folks that you're kind of freaked out by now let's get back okay
we're here for you alright let me share two things real quick as we get ready to
close okay what we need to keep in mind now oh by the way I will say this if
you're here tonight I don't know your heart you can fool me but you can't fool
God you might even be one of these people we're talking about turn to Jesus turn to Jesus now God
loves you the one you're following is a liar and he's trying to deceive you
straight into he'll turn to Jesus okay don't listen to the evil one turn to
Jesus it's not too late God can still forgive you and make you his child but
if you are His child notice a couple things first of all you can no longer be
possessed praise God demons can't possess you as a Christian and this is
what the Bible talks about first Corinthians 3:16 don't you know you
yourselves Christian are what are God's temple that God's Spirit lives where in
you John 14:23 Jesus replied if anyone loves Me he will obey My teaching My
Father will love Him and We will come to him and make Our home with him right so
you stir those scriptures together what do you get if God the Spirit and God the
Father and God the Son has made their home in me as a Christian and I have
become their temple there is no way in the world that God's going to scooch
over and share a room with the demon you cannot be possessed okay as a Christian
you can be externally possessed but you can no longer be possessed number one
number two when they do come at you externally you don't have to freak out
right just read the scripture and do what God says first John 4:4 you are
from God little children and have overcome them because greater is He Who
is in you than he who is in this world and second Timothy 1:7 for God has not
given us Christian the spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind
in other words you don't need to be afraid of the devil you don't need to be
afraid of demons you don't need to be afraid of satanists witches
demon-possessed people you've got to deal with it because it's going to happen
especially if you're serving Christ like this church is like your pastor is like
your leadership is but you don't have to be afraid just deal with it and keep moving
forward for Jesus because let me flip it around as we close even devil worshipers
know who's in control and it ain't satan he's not a loose cannon on deck he only
gets to do what God allows him to do read the book of Job right here's a
former devil worshiper what's what he learned the hard way this is wild
the father's side it was all witches and warlocks we were we've lived on
witchcraft we lit that we had a contract direct with the devil himself
my father was I remember when I.

Was at when I was younger my like eight
nine years old I would see him going to the room to worship the devil and I
could see the presence of the devil come into that room and my father would
worship and speak in tongues and demonic tongues and worship and put flowers and
put candles and put water out at seven o'clock at night to 5:00 in the morning
I was really going to demand to demonic church I was born in witchcraft church I
was I was being trained to be I was being trained to be a warlock I
was being trained with witches there were in the religion for thirty years 40
years 50 year they were training they were training me to learn how to speak to
principality spirits in the ground the devil himself you couldn't speak to the
devil right away you had to earn your right to speak to the devil
and the first mass killing the first mass killing that they did in my
neighbor was at this house right here the husband stabbed a lady 52 times
and cut her ears off here and then me my brothers were hanging out with their daughter and
we came to the house to welcome back home to hang out daughters right here and the daughters
found their mother cut up to pieces here in this house at the age of 13 years I was astral projecting my body I will leave my
body home and go to regions and go just around and curse the dark side curse neighborhoods curse put spirit of prostitution spirit of drugs in
the neighborhood homosexuality spirit here demonic were here the spirit of murders the spirit of
suicide I know how to channel all the spirits in the neighborhood
at the age of 15 16 years old I was going into hospitals and putting
death in ICU death in one room so this person can die because I wanted to be
promoted with the devil to move up the ranks to be the biggest devil worshipper in
New York City I put devils I would move principalities on
that region to control all demons on the ground to operate the church to cut down
the church to cut down the growth of the church to cut down the opportunity
for people to get saved if I thought I was going to kill you in 30 days you prepare
because you were going to die in 30 days if I. Don't care who you were I  don't care who
you knew I don't care what christian you called yourself if you're a Catholic and you say
you were Christian and you say you were believer I was going to kill you unless
you had a real relationship with Jesus Christ so when the lady came to my house I'm
going to tell you ten thou now if I kill her to kill the lady she said sure
I tell you why I know you you've been good to me I go to your house parties
give me 7,000 now I'll give you 30% off I said I'll kill her I'll give you 30% I'll take 30% off the
ten give me give me seven thousand so when the lady was I going to leave my house
she said by the way she said she's a Christian she said the lady's a
Christian I said I'll kill her for free I. Said I don't need the money
I told her I'll killer for free I'm going to teach these Christians a lesson that they're
going to learn I kill her for free I. Said I don't want your money I'll kill her
for free so I did the Voodoo thing I did the witchcraft thing and 21 days went by
the lady didn't die a month went by lady didn't die and I
was like wow you know what's going on I.

Mean my repetition's on the line so I called
the devil I called the demons I was fine I. Increased the witchcraft I
increased the witchcraft I doubled the witchcraft on it so she can die like
overnight nothing was going on nothing was going on
I was home one night and the devil shows up and I'm fell the presence of the
devil comes in to my house and then the devil tell me we have to abort the
plan on the lady that you want to kill and I said why are we going to abort the
plan my reputation's on the line I'm a witch I'm a warlock if I don't kill the
lady they're going to think that I don't have any powers the devil says you
don't understand the God that she serves said don't leave her alone don't
touch her what did he learn first John 4:4 greater
is He that is in me than he the us in this world want the darkness to go away don't
be like 65% of professing Christians and act like it's not dark out there you
want the darkness to go away and want the darkness to go away in your neighborhood
in Hawaii in the West shine for Jesus Christ there's one surefire method that
will always get rid of the darkness even in a room you want to get rid the
darkness in a room what do you do you turn on the light darkness goes just
like that you want to make a difference it ain't denying this it's not freaking
out you put on the armor of God you stand for Jesus Christ you shine and the
darkness flees that's what we need to do shine for Jesus Christ as bright as we
can by His spirit work together band together support love and encourage one
another and keep moving forward until He comes and takes us home Amen
let's pray Father we love You we thank You so much again for tonight thank You
for opening our eyes God it's real but we really don't have to be afraid
help us God to achieve that proper biblical balance that we would just be
motivated more than ever to shine for Jesus by the power of Your spirit the
the darkness would not just flee and go away but even some of these people God
would turn to you Jesus and be saved that they would join us in heaven God
I just pray that Your blessings upon this fellowship upon this church upon the
leadership and pastor and his family we just pray that God You keep them safe
keep them strong and just keep moving forward God they're doing a great
work for You by Your Spirit lives are being changed all over this world on a
massive mega scale there's a target on them but God we just pray that everybody
would stay unified and in love with You and there's nothing we've got to worry
about we love You we just pray and ask all these things in Your wonderful name
in Jesus' name and all God's people said Amen a prophetic word fitly spoken and I say
that because about three four weeks ago I had discerned in my spirit that God
was preparing me as the pastor of this amazing church for that which I believe
the enemy had prepared for this amazing church and one of the things God
ministered to me was that He is ferociously protective of this
particular fellowship not that you know I'm anything special I'm not
and like I shared on Sunday this is not my church this is God's church I just
have the privilege of being the pastor of this amazing church we're 13 years
old since I planted the church and we have never had anything like what pastor
Billy shared happen but that's what the Lord ministered to me that He's
protective of the church but not that were paranoid but prudent and discerning
that because of what God has seen fit to do in and through this church we call
CalvaryChapel Kaneohe beyond the four walls of this building
God has certainly blessed this ministry and the outreach of this ministry
especially in the last about eight nine months since I've been presenting the
gospel very simply at the end of each of the weekly prophecy updates and I
noticed the spiritual warfare increase intensely
and infinitely so ever since I started doing that that aroused the anger of the
enemy I never liked to give the enemy too much you know credit but I think at
the same time like pastor Billy just shared ever so well is that we do err
greatly when we go to the opposite side of that
and we don't give him enough credit and I think that's his wish if I can say it
that way is that he wants us to either go to this extreme and say oh he doesn't
exist like 65% or he wants us to go to this other extreme and create a spirit
of fear within us and God's not given us a spirit of fear my commitment to you
and this is probably as good on by the way it was about two weeks after this
had really been impressed upon my heart by the Lord about this you know sort of
uptick for lack of a better word in spiritual attack on this church and
certainly on me as the pastor it has you have no idea you have no idea the battle
that I wage in war on Saturday nights on Saturday nights I mean it is the likes
of which there are no English words I'm not asking for pity I am begging for
prayer I'm not asking for pity I am begging for prayer and I so appreciate
what you shared tonight pastor Billy and no I did not know you were going to say
that and that's what I wanted to say was about two weeks after the Lord had
really impressed that upon my heart pastor Billy said here's what I'm going to
be speaking on I'm like wow I love it when God does that you know here's how I see
it you know how you you have the tuning fork that Tunes the piano we're
tuned to the same tuning fork of the Holy Spirit and we're of one mind and of
one accord and I love this brother and I. Thank you so much for what you shared
tonight and I think it's a word fitly spoken for this church one of the things that
I'm going to  be announcing at our Christmas dinner so this is kind of a spoiler
alert we are going to start by the way can i well of course I can so you
know what really just I mean stunned me and it takes a lot to stun me okay
but really stunned me was that video clip
where this former Satanist said that if you can attack the foundation of prayer
you'll destroy that church now you know that I've been talking a lot about our
prayer meetings in this church and one of the things we're going to start up
after the first of the year is a Tuesday night prayer meeting we're going to
start doing it yes praise the Lord right we're gonna start off one night a month
and then my prayer is that that prayer meeting will become weekly and that is
going to be the deciding factor but when he said that it was really a
confirmation to me that we've got to be a church that prays together a church
that prays together as it's been said is a church that stays together and if we
ever have any you know Ephesians six the armor how do you put it on prayer prayer
it's put on by prayer and so I. Really am looking forward to getting
together this is a good of a time as any and I'll close this will be my final
closing after Billy's closing my man after my own heart
right there says he's going to  close and he goes for another ten minutes then he
says okay I'm going to  close then he goes for another I love that anyway it's a gift
right so but this is a good of time as any to recommit to you as a church again
as the pastor as is my privilege to be of this amazing and loving and wonderful
church my commitment renewed to you tonight is that I will die for you I
love you more than you can ever know and I will never allow anything or anyone
into this church they will be dealt with swiftly and severely and decisively I
have been given the responsibility as have the leaders of this church to be
protective of the flock of God and if a wolf comes in here in sheep's
clothing it won't take long it won't take long but we need your help
when someone comes into this church and they start whispering oh yeah the pastor
this the pastor that the worship team this the children's ministry that this
and that and that this and that will you commit to me as I commit to you that you
will bring that to our attention bring that to my attention it needs to be
dealt with immediately and swiftly and decisively listen the cost and I counted
the cost and again I'm not looking for pity but it has cost me dearly it has
cost me physically in my health it has cost my family you have no idea and I'm
not about to let anybody come into this church and be used of Satan to dismantle
this amazing ministry that is my commitment to you and I'm asking you to
commit to me as well as a church I'm not angry you might yeah okay maybe a little
it's righteous anger okay all right yes that's my story and I'm sticking with it you guys come on up yes you guys are standing there
should we go up there or not I don't know come on we're going to close in worship we'll
have you out here in another hour so you'll be fine
listen if you're able for those of you visiting with us here tonight we are
so glad you're here if you're able we have some food there in the kitchen
break bread with us let's fellowship together and again thank you so much for
coming so go ahead and.

Guest Pastor Billy Crone The satanic Invasion of Church Last Days